Monday, December 31, 2007

A year in review

Well, today is New Year's Eve. We will probably be in bed by 10 as usual but that's okay with us. Seems like most days with us are celebratory days so there's no need to stay up until midnight. We have a great life.

I was just looking back through my blogs over the last year. My 2 primary New Year's resolutions were to lose 40 pounds and to not be a bitch. Well, I lost 48#! and I tried very hard to be nice everyday. So, I must say, I think I really accomplished some things! Its time to think about new year's resolutions again. Once again, losing weight will be one of them but I'm hoping to come up with some more meaningful ones as well.

In reading over my old blogs, the pervasive theme was my weight. Its embarrassing to see how much I focused on my weight. I'm going to try not to do that this year. At least, if I am focused on it, I'm not going to go on about it in my blogs. It is always in the back of my mind, I've struggled my whole life, but it doesn't have to always be in the front of my mind.

Another pervasive theme in my old blogs was my love for Rick, my friends and my girls. Do you know how lucky I am?!! I hope that this year, in 2008 I am able to continue to grow in my relationships with them. I am truly, abundantly blessed.

I am going to visit my parents and my nephews next weekend. I'm excited to go. I love making that long car trip alone. It gives me time to think and to refocus. I'll miss Rick and the girls, but it will be nice to have "me time". My dad likes to take care of me while I'm there and I like to let him. Rick and I talked a while back about my parents. I really feel like I need to see them more often. They won't always be around, so I want to see them as much as I can. Rick understands this because he lost both of his parents a few years ago. I know he misses them very much. So, off I go for a long weekend.

Sienna is having a tough time again. Bless her heart, life just hasn't been easy for her since she moved out on her own. Her roommate has decided she is moving back to Georgia to be near her mom. I say, good riddance to her, because she has really been annoying since she moved in, but that means that Sienna will have to search for a new roommate or figure out how she can pay rent on her own. I know its a struggle, but surely, eventually, things will get easier for her. I can't do it for her, she will have to figure things out on her own. At least, that's what everybody keeps telling me.

Have a Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Well, here we are...

The day after Christmas. We had a wonderful day. The girls were here and they seemed genuinely happy with their haul. It was nice having them here. Sienna got the camera she was wanting and I think she took about 12 pictures, 10 of them were of herself. I asked her if she wanted me to take some pictures of her but she just said "No, I can do it." LOL. Chanel got a beautiful red sweater and all we heard about was what she could wear with it when she went to meet Steve next weekend. She is a little excited, I think. We played games and watched movies and ate. It was a great day. I was finally able to give Chanel the album I had worked so hard on from CKU. She really seemed to like it.

We were successful in getting Rick just what he wanted without him finding out that we bought the stuff. He was surprised and very happy. I have learned what every tool on his new swiss army knife does at least 3 times. Usually, he would rather we just get him an Amazon gift certificate so he can pick out what he wants. But that is no fun for me so I took a chance and SCORE! It was great. He also got a new camera and Sienna was sure to point out that he wasn't even using it. He usually uses his cameras for other things and lets me take care of the family gatherings. I, on the other hand, used my new camera. I was in everybody's face. So much so that they got pretty tired of it but I had a great time!
I got everything I wanted but for me the most precious gift of all was that my girls and Rick were here with me.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Missing Steve Irwin

We were on our way back from our trip and it was getting cold and rainy and I was a little sad to be coming home, actually. Well, we had to stop to use the rest room (as we do at least once an hour. :) ) We parked in front of this sign posted at the rest area. I mean, Seriously?! Who wants to get out of the car with a sign like this posted? Mother nature took over, of course, and I power walked to the bathroom but I was definately on the lookout for water moccasins or rattlesnakes or whatever other kinds of creepy creatures that might live in South Georgia! I was hyper-alert and wishing for Steve Irwin. I even was sure to look into the commode first just in case one got into the plumbing. I definately DID NOT sit on the seat. The whole experience made me smile...once I was safely back in the car.

We are off to our office Christmas party. Hope you guys have a great night!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Our Cruise

We had a fabulous time on our cruise and with the exception of Tropical Storm Olga the weather was beautiful. We had to divert to San Juan on Tuesday instead of going to St Thomas because of the storm. Then,since I was not feeling good from the day before, I didn't feel like going into town. We have been on many cruises and this is the first one on which I was seasick. The seas were very rough for two days. After that though, it was all good.

We played bingo, which I love, at least once a day. Sometimes twice and one day, three times! Rick is so tolerant of my whims. He really is incredible. He sat right there beside me every single game. We scheduled our sun time and our nap time around bingo time. Its crazy, I know. I'm a bit quirky sometimes. I was getting a little discouraged there after losing every game but finally on the last day, I was able to call BINGO!! So was all worth it.

We ate way too much, as we always do. I had chocolate every single day. They had this chocolate melting cake that was by far the best thing I have ever put in my mouth and we scheduled our dinners in the dining room around when they were having that on the menu. Yum. LOL.

We met some very interesting people from all over the world. Australia, Canada, Germany, New York, Charleston, several from Florida and even some from Tennessee. Very cool.

I'm sad that our vacation is over. We had such a good time. On our drive home, it rained almost the entire way and it just kept getting colder. That has been the hardest part. Today was sunny at least so the cold isn't so hard to take. I think the only way I will make it through the dreary days of winter is to just begin planning our next adventure! Hmmmmm....where should we go next?

Sunday, December 16, 2007


We just got home from our cruise this morning and I will tell you all more about that tomorrow but just for tonight, let me just say as I crawl into my wonderful, beautiful, luxurious, comfortable bed....aaaahhhhh feels so good!!

Sweet dreams. Oh and BTW it was 80 degrees and sunny when I woke up yesterday morning. :-) Here's a pic from St Maarten.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Feeling the pressure

We leave for our cruise in 7 days. I am so very excited about going. December is like the perfect time to go because it is cold here and it is definitely not in the Caribbean. Nothing like lying on the beach in a hammock in December. We usually go in December but as we plan to go again this year, I am feeling the pressure to get my Christmas preparations done. I have three scrapbook projects that I intended to finish before Christmas. I really don't see that happening.And my Christmas cards just may not make it out of the planning stages. We won't be back in town before the 16th or 17th. and then Christmas is the following week. Yikes. I am hoping I might find some gifts in the Virgin Islands. But if not, I guess the old stand-by gift cards will have to do. Though I can say, its not really about the gifts anyway, I have two daughters who will beg to differ with me. Even into adulthood. Regardless of their wishes, I am definitely going to scale back this year. The days of presents overflowing under the tree are over. At least until my grandchildren arrive. :)

Planning on going to Dollywood tomorrow to see all of the festivities. Should be a fun day!

Have a happy Saturday.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

A Joyful weekend

Its been a great weekend. I love the holidays!

Chanel came home and Sienna was here and we spent Thanksgiving with Don & Leeann and family. We all had such a good time together. The food was great except that my Mac and Cheese was dry and my cherry pie was doughy. I do not claim to be a cook! Its fun to fix thanksgiving dinner but I'm really not very good at it. : ) Katie and Rick both loved the deviled eggs. I'm glad of that because it was the first time that I have ever made them and I was a little worried. Leeann, on the other hand, is a great cook. Her turkey was absolutely perfect. We really had fun. I loved having the girls there with me. I love that they were able to spend time with our very best friends. I wanted them to share the joy that the Samples family brings to us and I wanted the Samples family to share the joy that my girls bring to us as well.

Friday morning, bright and early at 4:30 am, I picked Chanel up from Sienna's house and we were off to relish in the Black Friday chaos. We got some great deals but I found myself buying stuff for me and not for others. I really need to work on that!I got some great stuff though! We went to Old Navy and the line was all the way back and around the store. I think we waited in line for about 45 mins, but it was okay with us because we could shop more as we walked up to the front of the store in line. Chanel was my "go to" girl. I would tell her what to go get and while she went, I waited in line. It was a great system! We were going strong until about 8 am then we took a break for breakfast. And we were off again. Chanel sort of pooped out on me about 10 so I took her home so she could nap. Shopping is stimulating to me. I don't get people who become exhausted from shopping.

Saturday we went to the Fantasy of Trees. That really put me into the Christmas spirit! We decorated cookies and made thumbprint ornaments, and decorated a miniature christmas tree for Sienna's desk. We took lots and lots of pictures. Luckily Chanel had her camera because. once again, I forgot mine. I did have my phone though and it worked out okay. The trees were extraordinary! We watched the dancers do their thing. It was kind of nostalgic because I have spent many years watching my girls dance on stage. It was a beautiful day.

Today I put up our tree. Our living room has kind of shrunk over the last year so we had to get one of those skinny trees. I didn't like it at first and even pouted a little about it but once I put the ornaments on it, it was beautiful! I went with red this year.

So, all in all it was a great weekend! I always hate to see Chanel go back to Cookeville and it makes me kind of sad. I don't know what I will do when she is in Belgium for 6 months. Its going to be tough.

Have a happy Monday tomorrow!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Things I am thankful for

A week has passed and I am proud to say that I have exercised everyday, I've only not drank water 3 times and I have successfully only eaten 1/2 portions all week. Yay. I'm trying to not be so obsessive about it. Leeann really got on to me the other day. She told me I was being too hard on myself, that I was fine the way I am and basically to knock it off. Only a best friend can praise you and tell you you're being an idiot all at the same time, with a smile. Love that girl. Thank you, Leeann.

I've been thinking about all the things I am thankful for this week. I am thankful for all the normal things like friends and family, prosperity, love etc etc. But there are other things. I am thankful that I don't have to pump my own gas for one thing. I am thankful that I never have to worry that I won't have the money to get my nails done. I am thankful that I have turned into a prissy girl and know what its like to have a good massage. I am thankful that I get a kiss every morning between 6-7 am. I am thankful I don't have to get the bills out of the mailbox. I am thankful I don't have to manage my own finances. I am thankful that I work on a Mac and that I don't have the day to day troubles that Windows users have. I'm thankful that my kids feel close enough to me to be able to talk about their love lives. I am thankful that they want to be with me at all,actually. I feel thankful that I have 60 prs of shoes to choose from everyday. I feel thankful that I have a beautiful studio in which I can work on my scrapbooks. I feel thankful that my family actually loves to be around me and that they don't call me names behind my back. ( I don't think) I am so grateful that I still have my parents. I feel thankful that we are fortunate to be able to spend the holidays with those that we love. I am thankful that it only takes 2 hours to clean my whole house. I am thankful for quiet neighbors. I am thankful that I am fortunate to have enough food, shelter, tons of clothes.

Now a lot of these things may sound pretty shallow. But I know what being poor is. I have lived it. I have lived through borrowing toilet paper from work because I didn't have the $1 that it took to buy a cheap 4 pack. I have lived through going through those payday advance places because I didn't have enough money to have gas to go to work. I have lived through our lights being turned off, through our insurance getting canceled, through creditors calling every day over and over and over. I know what its like to not know how I was going to buy baby formula or diapers or dog food. I know what its like to have to cut firewood for heat because we couldn't pay the heating bill. I know what its like to have the same one pair of shoes for 2 years or more. I know what its like to not see my family for over a year. So I know what to be thankful for.
I am thankful most of all for Rick. He saved me and my girls 11 years ago and has helped me so much by providing me with all the things I am so thankful for. I am so blessed and I know that.

We will be spending thanksgiving with Don&Leeann, Katie, Chanel and Sienna. I am so blessed to have the opportunity to spend the day with the people I love most.

Have a happy Thanksgiving. Count your blessings.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Dieting again, or should I say Still.

Okay, so I'm obsessing over my weight again(or still). I tried to take Hoodia which is an herbal appetite suppressant. It has no known side effects and its supposed to be very effective. I swore off diet pills about 10 years ago, but I was reading about hoodia and thought that since there were no side effects, it was worth a try..I really think they were starting to help. But, when I mentioned to Rick that I was taking them, he was very displeased to say the least. He has asked me to stop taking them so I guess I will. I'm just so frustrated! I was doing so well at the beginning of the year. Leeann has done so well and I am so proud of her and so happy for her, but I keep asking myself, why can't I do that? I know there is no way I could do as well as she does, but I could at least start losing again. I want to lose a few pounds, at least 5, before we go on our cruise on Dec. 7. So, here is what I am going to do between now and then:

1. I am going to eat 1/2 portions at every meal.
2. I am not going to eat dessert at all.
3. I am going to drink only water.
4. I am going to exercise at least 30 min. every day.
I will do all these things everyday except of course, Thanksgiving. Surely these small changes will make some sort of difference. All I'm asking for is 5 pounds. Now that I've revealed my plans to the world, I am obligated to follow through. So, I expect to be held accountable!

Thanks for your support!

Have a happy Saturday.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

just an update

I had a rough week last week, but I am back to normal now, yay. So thought I would update you. There really isn't a lot going on. We are recovering from coming home and having to go back to work. We would much rather not.

Sienna has found a roommate. I haven't met her yet but she must be okay because she too is a gator fan! I just know I am going to like her. She also has a little shitzu(not sure if I spelled that right). Sienna loves dogs so it will be okay. Not sure really how dogs deal with apartment living, but I'm sure it will be fine.

Both of my girls are having trouble with the men in their lives and I worry about them. Chanel said the other day that when she is a mom, she will not worry like I do. I just said, 'oh, yes you will." I'm not really a worrier usually. Its just that they are going through some challenges and well, I worry sometimes. :) Chanel is trying to get her visa so that she can move to Belgium for the next semester. Tech has this program where they will let her go to school there for credit. She should be able to finish up her master's degree there. She is majoring in international business so this will be a great experience for her and will look good on her resume. Again, I worry. I don't think she has much money saved. Not sure how she will support herself over there. She won't know anyone and she will be all on her own. Scary. Good thing is, maybe I will get to go and visit! I'm always up for another vacation.

One of my favorite aunts sent me an email yesterday and said that she is going to a conference in Tuscon in April and wanted me to come to stay with her there for a few days. My other aunt will probably go too and maybe my mom. It should be a good time! I am so excited! We all were together in FL this past April and had so much fun. I really miss them and my mom. We will hopefully have some good bonding time.
We leave for our cruise in 30 days! Seems like we just had a vacation! I'm hoping it will be nice and cold here when we go so that we will appreciate the warmth of the virgin islands more!

That's enough for now. Have a happy Wednesday!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

It's all about the experience

Our trip to Disney involved a lot of eating. Now that I have been able to weigh myself and see that I have gained 4 pounds, I can see just how much eating I actually did. I am totally frustrated with myself. But man, the food was good!

We ate at the Crystal Palace which I have already told you about. It was a beautiful restaurant, lots of flowers and glass and of course, Characters. Its easy to get distracted and not pay attention to how much you are eating .
Monday, we had lunch at Epcot at a Moroccan restaurant called the Restaurant Marakesh. The food was ethnic but very good. The meal came complete with a belly dancer. She was beautiful and the music was great too. It will be an experience that I remember for a long time. Rick, of course, loved the belly dancer.

At MGM, We ate at the Hollywood Brown Derby. The dessert (yes, I had dessert), was probably the best I ever had. Rick and I got two desserts and shared. Yum. It was one of those places where, if it hadn't been in a theme park, you would expect everyone to be in white ties and long gowns. But, we just went in in shorts and t-shirts and were very comfortable. Our waiter was wonderful. His name was Stanley and he was from the Ukraine. That's the cool thing about Disney world. You get to meet so many people from all over the world.

On Thursday, we ate at the Garden Grill at Epcot. Its a revolving restaurant. It revolves very very slowly and you can see different scenes of America. The dessert, farmlands, etc. Very cool. The food is served family style and the Apple dumpling is out of this world! It is also a character meal. We were able to see Mickey, Pluto and Chip and Dale. Rick had his head rubbed by Mickey and Pluto. It was really pretty funny. For some reason, all of the characters rubbed Rick's head. Like he was a buddha or something and they were rubbing it for good luck. lol. He loved it.

Here are just a couple more pics for you to enjoy.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Romeo and Edna

October 25

Today was our last day here at Disney World. I must say I am so sad to be leaving tomorrow. I love it here.

We arrived at Epcot before it opened and were there for the countdown. Its always so exhilarating to hear the countdown. We were among hundreds of people who swarmed Soarin’ first thing. Soarin’ is the most popular ride in Epcot now and everyone wants to ride it. It was amazing just getting to the ride. They even had a mariachi band at the bottom of the escalators to greet all of us into Soarin’. Disney has this big marketing thing going on now called The Year of a Million Dreams. So while we were waiting in line, they came around and handed us these cool cards on lanyards that were to be used as fast passes for the whole rest of the day! They said that they were giving away a dream of not having to wait in line for the rest of the day. It was awesome. We were able to walk right on Test Track and Mission Space and even Soarin’ again. Very cool.

Soarin’ is an awesome ride. I can so understand why people wait 90 minutes in line to ride it. Its like a hang glider ride through beautiful California. We loved it. Rick doesn’t like heights but it was so cool, he wanted to ride it twice! Go Rick!

After lunch, we went to the world showcase and began our quest for chocolate around the world. It was fun finding the chocolate at the different pavilions. We now have chocolate from Canada, the UK, France, Morrocco, Japan, Italy, Germany, Switzerland. There was no chocolate to be found in China, Rick says just as well, it would probably have lead paint in it anyway. lol. When we went to the American pavilion, I thought, what could be more chocolate America than a Chocolate chip cookie, right? Wrong! I got the chocolate chip cookie, it came in this nifty package but as I got to looking at it, I discovered that it was actually made in CANADA! Go figure. America even outsources its chocolate chip cookies!

At the Italian pavilion, we stopped to watch a street show. There are these “world showcase players’ throughout the park and they put on these comedies throughout the day. So we stopped to watch and the play was a spoof on Romeo and Juliet but it was called Romeo and Edna. And guess what? They picked me out of the crowd to be Edna!
It was great fun! I had to say the famous line, “Romeo, Romeo, where for art thou Romeo?” I had to “platonic slow dance” with my Romeo and even play dead for the crowd (with my eyes rolled back and my tongue hanging out!). I loved it. The bad part is, I had the camera so Rick couldn’t take pictures! I guess we will just have the memories. They even gave me a little pin to wear that said “Honorary world showcase player”.

We have made so many incredible memories this trip. Disney does know how to do it up right. Rick has been wonderful. I can’t think of anyone I would have rather spent this fantastic time with. He really is an incredible man and I am so lucky to have someone like him. His jokes are a bit much to take when I am with him 24/7 ( and he is constantly joking). But I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Tomorrow we are off to spend a couple days with my mom and dad in Lake City.

Have a magical night!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Having a magical time

We decided to come down here to the clubhouse so Rick could do some things on the computer and so I can briefly write in my blog. The place we are staying is really very beautiful and we love it here. I'm not quite sure why they are so backward as to not have wifi in the rooms but here we are.

We are having such a good time here. Its rained every day which is just incredible because Florida has been in the middle of a draught for the entire summer and now that we are here, its raining. Its really been okay though usually we are at the parks until the early afternoon and it rains when we are done. The first day, we were going to go to the Magic Kingdom and we walked outside and it was drizzly. So we decided to go to Walgreens and buy some ponchos and still brave the rain. But when we got to the park it started raining even harder and my hood wouldn't stay up and we were getting drenched. I was so disappointed and I even told Rick that we should just turn around and come back to the condo. But then we were arriving just as the park was opening and they were having the countdown on the loudspeakers and my heart started racing and I got tears in my eyes and I knew there was no way I was turning back then. I was so excited!!!! We weren't in the park 5 minutes and it stopped raining. We got off Buzz Lightyear and it was beautiful! Ahhhhhh, what a great day it was. That place really is magical, even for a 41 yr old woman. It was great to see all the little kids getting excited about the rides and the characters but most of all it was wonderful feeling the excitement for myself! We had lunch at the Crystal Palace which is a character meal. Rick was very enthused about the great buffet, I was excited about Pooh and Tigger and Eyeore! It was so fun! I even twirled my napkin above my head as they had the parade through the restaurant.

There has been so much that has happened and life has been good to us this week. I'll write more soon. Rick is ready for his daily nap so I guess we'll go back to our room. Tomorrow, we are off to Epcot and we will finish our quest for chocolate around the world. Yum. I'm ashamed to tell all that we have been eating this week. Disney really has some incredible restaurants and hey, we are on vacation. Today we had lunch at Caseys famous hot dog place in the Magic Kingdom. I personally think Five Guys is better, but at Disney, its the experience, not necessarily the food that you pay for. So anyway, we are off to sleep off all of those calories!!

Have a magical day!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

can you believe there is no wireless here? We can use it in the clubhouse but not here on the condo. I'll have to blog when i get home as its too hard to do so on my iPhone. Just know that we are having a Fantastic time ! Love love love Disney!!!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

So I'm off to meet a mouse

Can I just say YIPPEEEEEE!! I am on vacation. woohoo! Yay!! This has been a heck of a week at work,( all 2 1/2 days of it ) lol. So I am just so happy to be off for the next 11 days. Disney world here we come!! Rick was off today so he got most of the laundry done so I could pack when I got home today. I've read 2 tour guides three times, I have a notebook full of notes, I have my travel journal all put together just waiting for pics and journaling, my camera batteries are charged up and I am so so excited!! I'm not really much of a planner but when it comes to vacations, I could quote the tour guides frontwards and backwards. Its funny how that works. Usually, in "real life", Rick is the planner and I am just a random kind of girl. Its just the total opposite when it comes to vacations. I turn into a planning junkie. I just think its so fun to read about and dream about the trip and all the fun things we will see and do. The kids used to love it when they were younger because I would get so excited about our adventures we'd feel like we'd already been before we even left the house. So, I'm off to another adventure at 6 a.m. tomorrow morning. I'll try to blog while I'm gone and write about all of the magical memories that we are making.

Have a very happy day!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Friday night was Don's birthday. Happy Birthday Don! He seems a bit sensitive about his age, as I am, but at least we are all getting older together and that makes it so much better. We all went out to this great restaurant called Seasons. The food was wonderful! Here is a pic of Rick's dessert. He said it was the best cheesecake he has ever had. I had the creme brulee and it was the first creme brulee I've ever had but wow, it was delicious. You all will have to try this place.

Sienna's car is still not fixed. Apparently when the guy got all finished, it wouldn't start and it turns out, she needs a new engine. Ugh. He's agreed to put one in for free but that just sounds kind of fishy to me. Her dad is handling all of that for her so there is no telling what we will end up with. So, it's getting up 30 mins early for me again this week. *sigh* I do enjoy spending more time with her, I would just prefer it to be at about 9 am. I'm really not a morning person.

We leave for Disney is just 5 days. So very excited! We will get to see my Mom and Dad as well as my sister and nephews. She has 5 boys and its always fun to see them. Here is a pic of a layout I did of the 3 youngest one morning before school. I used the I *heart* Candy Town collection at SIS. It has been a very fun collection to use.

Have a happy Sunday!

Sunday, October 07, 2007


Do you know how nice it feels to step into last year's jeans and have them fall off of you? So nice. I've spent the morning trying on my fall clothes, after all it is October and surely we will see some fall weather soon. None of my clothes fit. That is very good for my ego but not so good for my pocketbook (or actually Rick's checkbook : ) ) . Usually I dread getting into my jeans because I usually wear skirts in the summer and in skirts there is a lot of room to expand! Not this year. Leeann has been a great source of inspiration for me this year. We have started going to Water aerobics again. Got to get healthy. My blood pressure is screaming that at me. And so, I think I'll listen. I started on a new BP pill and my pressure is lower but definately not low enough. I suppose it will take some time.

Only 11 more days til Disney World!!!!!! Yay for us!

Happy Sunday.

Friday, September 28, 2007

"Welcome to your 40s."

That' s a quote from Rick the other day when I was talking to him about my headaches and my neck strain. It really is true that our bodies are not as resilient as we get older.

Remember a couple days ago when I told you about my blood pressure? Well today, I was on my way to work and I became so dizzy I couldn't drive. I sat there in my car in the Burger King parking lot for 30 mins. expecting that it would just pass. It didn't. I finally had to call work because at this point, I could not sit, walk or anything. There was no way I was going to work. Karen came and got me. (bless her). She took me to my Dr office and I was there the entire rest of the morning. We finally left about lunch time. The Dr.s and Nurses at Family Care Specialists were extraordinary. They were so kind. One nurse even took a warm cloth and wiped my face clean from where I'd been crying. There were mascara streaks all over my face, she said. My blood pressure was 210/140!!!! OMG. That's scary. It took 3 BP pills over the course of several hours to get my BP down and to get my dizziness to be better, enough that I could walk. I was getting kind of sick from the dizziness. It's better now though. My BP is down to 110/72 and my head is not spinning. I slept the afternoon away because after all of that, I was exhausted. I don't know what in the world would cause the BP to go so high. No one at the dr. office seemed to have any answers either. All the labs, EKGs etc were normal.

Rick has been the best nurse. I told him he went into the wrong career field. He said, "I'm a software guy." He took such good care of me. I love him for all he does for me and just all that he does for everyone in our lives. He is a kind soul.

I absolutely need to take care of myself! 210/140 is very dangerous and I hope to live for a very long time, so I really need to get it together. I am going to join the Y tomorrow. I'm hoping Sienna will join it with me. Leeann, Sienna and I are going to have a big time with Anna at water aerobics. Also, it is low salt, low fat and no caffeine for me. I'm turning a new page in this 40 year old book!!

Have a happy night!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I've got to get it together.

I had a physical last week and my blood pressure was 150/100! I've checked it twice since then and its been running in the 140/94 range. Not good. I have never had high blood pressure before and I am not going to start now! I've made a commitment to really watch what I'm eating again and to work out at least 5 days/week. I am getting older and I really need to take care of myself better. I went to water aerobics with Leeann yesterday morning. We really had a good time and i realized how much I have missed it! I felt so good when it was over. I love the water. But then, this morning I woke with a terrible headache on the left side of my head. It feels like I have injured my neck or something. The pain is making me feel sick to my stomach. I don't think its from the exercise but if its still hurting this evening, I will have to wait to go back to class. I even called in sick to work this morning and I rarely do that. I've spent a lot of time in my very cozy bed today.

Thanks for letting me whine a little.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Been working on some layouts

I'm going to try and post a few layouts from time to time. Scrapbooking is my passion so I'd like to share with you sometimes. I scraplifted this from SIS TV. The picture is of Rick when he was about 2. The journaling reads: If only I could have known you then. We could have grown up together and experienced so much more of life together. I would have loved to hear your childish laugh, to watch you climb trees and chase the puppies. But I am just so happy to know you now. We are so close it almost feels as if we have known each other forever.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

old friends

I went to a conference today for work stuff. I was so dreading it. These things can be so boring and this one was but man, did I have a good day! I ran into some ladies that I had worked with at St. Mary's all those years ago. It was so good to see them! Two of them, Laura and Susan were my mentors when I first moved here to Knoxville. They have taught me all I ever needed to know about psych nursing. We really have some good memories together and I was just gushing with joy that I saw them today. So many relationships over the years that I have just sort of let go. It takes work to maintain a friendship and over time, people tend to lose touch. Its a shame, really. Seeing them has brought back a flood of memories, good ones. My time at St. Mary's was wonderful. The only reason I left there was for more money after my divorce. I have thought of all of them often and can I just say that I am so so happy that I saw them!!!! lol. We have promised to make a play date soon so hopefully I will do better at keeping in touch this time. I am going back to the conference tomorrow and I am absolutely looking forward to it!

Tonight is SURVIVOR!! Woohoo!!! So, don't anybody call me between 8 and 9:15. I will be out of commission for an hour. Inevitably, Chanel will call. Rick and I used to make jokes about her always calling on Thursday nights between 8 and 9. Its like she has radar or something! But tonight I will not be answering the phone. It is the season premiere!

I couldn't sleep last night. We had Fuji's. It was so dumb of me to have Fuji's on a work night. For some reason, it always causes insomnia. But, I took an ambien and thought I would be able to sleep with that. I couldn't. So I got up about 12 and took another ambien and came in here to my office until I could get sleepy. Because of the ambien, I don't remember what I did last night but I sure could have gotten into trouble! I just now checked my email and apparently, I won the item I bid on on ebay. Hmmm, don't remember bidding on any items, but now I am the owner of a new scrapbooking book. Luckily it was only $11. And, I have just finished up a beautiful scrapbook that I am making for Chanel. Its one we started at CKU. I guess last night I decided to add some finishing touches to it. Bad move. One should not ink the edges of paper when one is in an ambien stupor. Far as I can tell so far, that was about the extent of my shenanigans last night. I think Rick is going to have to chain me to the bed at night. :-)

Have a happy Thursday!!

Monday, September 17, 2007


Long day yesterday. We went to Lynchburg, Tennessee with our dear friends, Steve and Joanna. Steve thought it would only take 2 hours to get there but it ended up taking about 3 1/2. Long day. We had lunch there and then ended up having to wait an hour for the Jack Daniel's tour and then, it was so late, we just came home. Steve is a big JD connoisseur so it was fun. The county that Lynchburg is in is a dry county (go figure) so we weren't able to taste any. They did waft the smells our way and sometimes it seemed it was so potent one could get tipsy on just the scent. The time seemed to pass pretty fast. We always have a good time with them and Joanna doesn't like silence so she kept us entertained. :-) Our tour guide was a little weird. Every time he would say "Tennessee Whiskey" he would take his hat off. Before we knew it, whenever he would take his hat off, Steve would take his off and hold it to his heart too. It was pretty funny. It was quite the bonding experience between the two of them.

I was a little disappointed that I didn't get time to go shopping. I do plan to go shopping today because as I discovered yesterday, none of my jeans fit, and that's a good thing!

Have a happy Monday!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Rick is not always known for his tact and you will understand what I mean in just a minute. I have been losing weight and had been working out pretty consistently until about 3 months ago and I just stopped. I have no excuses. I just quit doing it. I've tried and can do it for 2-3 days and then, the laziness sets in. You must know how much I love my bed! I do not want to get out of it to work out in the mornings because it is sooooo comfy. So, Rick has been very complimentary about my weight loss .Usually. Tonight, before bed, he was rubbing my arms and said....get ready... " You're getting pretty flabby. " OMG! Who says that to a woman? And my response was, "WHAT?!?!?" He said, "well, you are." He wasn't mean about it. He was just making an observation in his INTJ way. So, needless to say, I am getting out of bed at 6 a.m. tomorrow and walking with Leslie Sansone. I promise. ;-)

Monday, September 10, 2007

I'm excited already!

Just started a new book.
Getting prepared for our trip next month. You never can be too prepared for Disney World. Now, I have been to Disney at least 10 times and you would think that there would be no need to read the hundreds of books there are out there about it. But I learn something new every time I read this book. It is very cool to read and fantasize about what a blast we are going to have. We always do have a good time. We have learned to take our time and just mosey around the parks. We don't have kids with us anymore so there is not all of the pressure to hurry up and get to the next ride. Its amazing how much you can miss if you just run from one ride to the next. The way we do it, we get to take in a whole lot more. It is just an incredible, awesome place and I can't wait to enjoy it again. Only 6 weeks to go and I will be at my most favorite vacation spot in the world!

Monday, September 03, 2007


This is the first photo I have ever had taken of the 4 of us together. It's hard to believe that we have all been together for 11+ years and we have never had our photo taken together.
We spent the day at Chanel's and as always it was a lot of fun. Sienna came with us and she had so much fun at lunch telling Chanel's roomates stories of Chanel's ditzy days. She is still pretty ditzy but when she was in high school, oh my goodness! It was a miracle she made it to college unscathed. It was fun for all of us to have a laugh but especially to watch Chanel laugh at herself.

We took Chanel a computer and Rick was helping her get it all set up. In this pic he is telling her "now this is a wireless mouse and when you lose this one, here is a wired one to replace it." LOL! He knows her so well.

And here is Chanel's pet. You may say,"gosh. It looks just like a rat" Well, that's because it is a RAT. a creepy, smelly rat. eeewww. I did hold him for about 10 seconds but he smelled so bad, I couldn't stand it. I had to give him back. She even told me that they took him to the groomers because of the smell and they told them "Sorry, we don't groom rats.' I think its hilarious that they even asked!

All in all, it was a great day. It was wonderful having all of us together for the day.

Hope you have a very happy Tuesday.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

It's football time in Tennessee!!

I love football season! There's just something in the air during football time that puts everyone in an excitable, competitive kind of mood. We watched our first football game of the season last night and unfortunately, the Vols lost. I am an avid Gator fan and its a lot of fun to be a Gator fan in Tennessee, especially when the Gators are national champions. I try not to gloat but it's hard not to when I am a fan of the greatest team in the country. : ) See the link on the side. So, so proud!

We got Sienna moved into her new apartment and her old apartment is clean and ready to go. Sienna's new apartment is very nice. I really like it a lot. Her roomate seems to really like Sienna and I think they will get along just fine. I am happy that she is settling in. All of her neighbors seem very nice. There is an older gentleman who lives upstairs who really seems to be looking out for the girls and that makes me feel better. I hope she will be happy there.

Going to Chanel's tomorrow to set up her computer. She had her first week of grad school. Though she says there is a whole lot of reading, she seems to like it okay. She's a very smart girl and I think she will be fine. She keeps talking about moving to California though. I just need to try to keep her here until she finishes school.

Not a lot going on with me and I like it that way!!

Have a happy Labor Day!!!

Sunday, August 26, 2007


We're home from CKU and we had a great time. Whew! It wasn't quite what I expected and I was right, I wasn't able to keep up but it's all good. It was a lot of fun and we met some great people from all over the country. We are totally scrapped out though. We were so worn out at the end of the day we just couldn't face going down after dinner to crop more in the evenings. I never ever thought I could have scrapbooking overload but I definately do! Oh and the stuff! We got so much free stuff! They were handing products out left and right. Leeann won drawings 4 times!! What are the chances of that? She is a lucky girl!

Believe me, we needed all the luck we could get! The Opryland Resort is an awesome place. Its very expansive and we kept getting lost. I never did figure out how to get around. I left class early one day, without Leeann, and I seriously did not think I could find my way back to our room. Our first night there, we decided we wanted dinner at this italian restaurant, Ristorante Volare, we checked it out on the map and thought we knew just were we were going. Wrong. I think it was 30 minutes before we found the place. In a hotel. 30 minutes. Our map reading skills leave much to be desired to say the least. I never realized how much Rick takes care of when we travel (like map reading). So much that I just take for granted. Not any more. I think Leeann and I are both so blessed to have the husbands we do who usually just take care of everything for us. I really value that.

There were so many funny things that happened. I'll have to blog about some of them when I have had time to decompress a little. A couple of times we were just rolling with laughter. I can't think of anyone I would have rather had this experience with. I will treasure these memories for a lifetime.

More tomorrow!
Have a happy Monday!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

We're off tomorrow!! and I'm not even packed!

Off to CKU tomorrow. Going to meet some fun new people. Going to probably do things i have never done before and its really making me nervous. I'm trying to stay my own calm, laid back self but I'm getting a little anxious. I think it will be better once we are in the car and on our way. {{{deep breath}}}. Worried I am going to forget something. But seriously, it is going to be okay. We are going to have loads of fun. I am so blessed to be able to go with a 3 time CKU veteran, my very bestest friend, Leeann. I think our primary roles are to keep each other grounded. She's usually pretty anxious, I'm usually laid back. We're like Forest Gump says, like peas and carrots. Different but we complement each other so well. We're a great team.

I am going to miss Rick though. That's always the cause of such ambivalence when I go away. I miss him. He is my better half and without him, I always feel like I am missing something. I am, I'm missing him. It will all be okay though.

Now, if I can just go take a sleeping pill because I can't get my mind to slow down, I think I'll try to go to sleep now.

I won't have a computer at CKU so watch Leeann's blog. She'll keep you updated on the activities in Nashville.
Also, for those who don't usually read her post, read it this week she has a surprise for you!

Have a happy week!

Monday, August 20, 2007


Everyone knows how much I love being a mom. My girls are terrific and I love them so much. But they have grown up and I don't mean to whine about it all the time but gosh, They are grown up! I am so lucky that Sienna is moving close to me and I think just in the last couple of months, she and I have become much closer in our relationship. She has turned into a lovely young woman and I just really like being around her. So, it will be good that she is going to live closer. I think that some boundaries will need to be established, for Rick's sake, but it could be fun!

So I just got off the phone with Chanel. We have an awesome relationship, but she has her own busy life and lately,well, she just doesn't have much time for me. She is 'in a relationship' with a guy who lives in California and she seems very happy with how its going. Instead of her calling me every day like she used to, she is on the phone with him and I'm a little jealous. Tonight, she announced to me that she just might move to CA. If she moves all the way to CA I am going to be a very sad momma! She really seems serious about this guy. I hope he is good for her. I was a little tearful tonight when she was talking about it. Its hard to imagine either of my girls moving that far away. We've just always been so close. Sad day.

The exciting thing is that there are only 3 more days til CKU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have packed and unpacked and repacked my supplies at least 3 times today, gotten my secret sis gifts ready, read all of the message boards twice,(just in case I missed anything), and have talked about it incessantly to anyone who will listen. Can you tell I'm excited?! woohoo!!

Have a happy Tuesday!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Oh the emotion!

We all know I am an emotional girl and sometimes I hate that. But gosh, this week has been incredible for me and it just makes tears come to my eyes to think about how lucky I am in this life. This birthday of Lubbed it. My family and friends have made me feel like a princess and I have to look around from time to time and ask myself what have I ever done to deserve all of this. Its indredible! I've received phone call after phone call with birthday wishes.

The gifts I have received are not only gifts you buy, they are gifts of love and caring and complete understanding of who I am. And with them what is so special is that everyone knows just the things I've been hoping for and they try to find a way to get it for me. I don't ask for much but let me tell you, people are listening when I am talking. And I sure do appreciate that,
Leeann even drove all over town trying to find this album that I wanted. She didn't find it but just that effort meant more to me than the album ever could have.

Spent the entire afternoon with Rick and my girls. 3 of my most favorie people in the entire world. I'm not just sayng that because they are my family, I'm saying it because I don't think I could live this incredibly happy life without my favorite people.
We went out to eat. Had Olive Garden.That is actually on the 'do not eat' list and of course, I ignored it again. But it was so good and the entertainment by the girls just made it all the better.

We went by the new house that Sienna plans to move in to. Its only about 10 mins from me and thats just close enough without being too close. We like it and we think she should take it but she is having 2nd thoughts again. I just want her settled and happy. Most of all I want her happy.

I loved just being with them. We played ARE YOU SMARTER THAN a 5th GRADER? Love that game but I am absolutely not smarter than a 5th grader and I am not ashamed of it!!!! Its a fun game to play.

Going with Don to the Bridal show tomorrow, Not sure how much help I will be but I am going to give it my all and I wiil try to attempt to keep him focused and settled. That's my job I think, to calm Don down. It should be fun. I'm sure he will keep me entertained. He's a pretty funny guy.

Sleep well.

Happy sunday!!!

Friday, August 10, 2007

41? Seriously?

This is a comment I heard from a coworker today when I told her that I was turning 41 today. She is about 25 and has no idea yet how that sounds to a woman as she gets older. It was like, "41 is so old," not a "man, you don't look 41!" kind of comment. (Okay, so I think probably I read more into it than was intended :-) ) Not to sound dramatic or anything but man, 41? I thought 40 was great. We always hear comments like "life begins at 40" so I thought 40 was pretty cool. 41....not so much. I mean, gosh, I have 2 grown children. I could be a grandma! Oh the agony!! lol!

I did have a great day today. Work was good then Leeann and I went to have pedicures together. It was nice to get pampered a little...together. Wish we could go away to a spa together and get pampered for an entire weekend, but I'll take an hour and a 1/2 on occasion. I'm not greedy. We really did have a good time.

The kids are coming tomorrow and I suppose we'll go shopping, because that's just what we do. We shop and we eat. Shop and eat, that's what we do and that's what we'll always do. lol. I remember when the kids were young, I used to home school them. When Chanel was about 8, I was trying to teach the kids about money, I would tell them they had so much money and they were supposed to cut pictures out of catalogs and see how much they could buy with the money they had. And it was all downhill from there. We have been spending money together ever since!

I received a gift today from Leeann's mom and grandma. As I read the card, I got goosebumps! Her mom was thanking me for being such a good friend to Leeann. Now, I don't think I am in any way an extraordinary friend, (if anything, its the other way around, she is an extraordinary friend to me), but it was such a very, sweet gesture for her to send her thanks and appreciation and it really touched me.

Have a very happy Saturday tomorrow!

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Wish I could capture this

I was just telling Rick yesterday that I have felt more clear this week than I have in a month or longer. I feel good. I want to socialize. My moods have been excellent. I'm not stumbling over my words and best of all, my mind is sharp. Now that's pretty significant. I wish I could capture this. Bottle it up and save it for a rainy day. The sad reality of it is, in another couple weeks, I will probably enter into the fog again and withdraw and not want to get out of bed for work. Its the nature of the illness. Just the way my life is. So for now, Yippee!!! Love this life!

Sienna is coming over tomorrow night. She will stay here so that she can get ready for the first day at her new job. This is a very exciting time for her. Once we get her working and into a new place here in Knoxville, I think she will be so much happier. It will be nice to have her settled. People are always happier if they are settled.

Went to a scrapbook crop last night. Nuthin' but scrapbookin' all night. Oh yeah. It was nice. I didn't get much done, I don't think I even got one entire layout done, but it is always so much fun chatting with other scrapbookers. We really are a nice bunch of people. I had my favorite scrapbook buddy right there by my side as always and it was great fun!

Have a happy Sunday!

Saturday, July 28, 2007


" 5 Guys?" again
" You know, Marble Slab is just around the corner."
" We could get a CinnaBon while we're at the mall this afternoon."
" You should get a hot dog AND a hamburger, you'll be hungry."
" Burger King or McDonald's?"
"Here. These hot wings are good."
"5 Guys? We haven't eaten there but once this week."-again with the 5 Guys!

Things I've heard just this week. And just from Rick. Ugh.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

just to update you

I know everyone is wondering.....Rick loves my hair. I am so happy and relieved. He just doesn't like the smell of the hairspray. I never wore hairspray before. I'll have to figure something out about that.

Dr. Robertson is on vacation this week that means an easy week for me at work. Love that.

Have a happy Thursday, I know I will!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

new do

This is my before pic.
I was talking to my mom last night and was telling her about my hair appt. today. She said, "well, you are getting to that age where you shouldn't wear long hair." Hmmph. Thanks mom. Despite what she said, I did get my hair cut today and its about 6 inches shorter but so cute! I don't think it looks matronly at all. Pam at Salone Divino did it and she was wonderful. She talked me through every step because she knew I was nervous. I think it makes me look less frumpy. I had highlights put in as well as a cut. I think it turned out beautifully. It's not a dramatic change but it's different. Rick practically forbade me to get my hair cut short. And now I've gone and done it. I hope he likes it.