Friday, August 10, 2007

41? Seriously?

This is a comment I heard from a coworker today when I told her that I was turning 41 today. She is about 25 and has no idea yet how that sounds to a woman as she gets older. It was like, "41 is so old," not a "man, you don't look 41!" kind of comment. (Okay, so I think probably I read more into it than was intended :-) ) Not to sound dramatic or anything but man, 41? I thought 40 was great. We always hear comments like "life begins at 40" so I thought 40 was pretty cool. 41....not so much. I mean, gosh, I have 2 grown children. I could be a grandma! Oh the agony!! lol!

I did have a great day today. Work was good then Leeann and I went to have pedicures together. It was nice to get pampered a little...together. Wish we could go away to a spa together and get pampered for an entire weekend, but I'll take an hour and a 1/2 on occasion. I'm not greedy. We really did have a good time.

The kids are coming tomorrow and I suppose we'll go shopping, because that's just what we do. We shop and we eat. Shop and eat, that's what we do and that's what we'll always do. lol. I remember when the kids were young, I used to home school them. When Chanel was about 8, I was trying to teach the kids about money, I would tell them they had so much money and they were supposed to cut pictures out of catalogs and see how much they could buy with the money they had. And it was all downhill from there. We have been spending money together ever since!

I received a gift today from Leeann's mom and grandma. As I read the card, I got goosebumps! Her mom was thanking me for being such a good friend to Leeann. Now, I don't think I am in any way an extraordinary friend, (if anything, its the other way around, she is an extraordinary friend to me), but it was such a very, sweet gesture for her to send her thanks and appreciation and it really touched me.

Have a very happy Saturday tomorrow!

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