Sunday, August 26, 2007


We're home from CKU and we had a great time. Whew! It wasn't quite what I expected and I was right, I wasn't able to keep up but it's all good. It was a lot of fun and we met some great people from all over the country. We are totally scrapped out though. We were so worn out at the end of the day we just couldn't face going down after dinner to crop more in the evenings. I never ever thought I could have scrapbooking overload but I definately do! Oh and the stuff! We got so much free stuff! They were handing products out left and right. Leeann won drawings 4 times!! What are the chances of that? She is a lucky girl!

Believe me, we needed all the luck we could get! The Opryland Resort is an awesome place. Its very expansive and we kept getting lost. I never did figure out how to get around. I left class early one day, without Leeann, and I seriously did not think I could find my way back to our room. Our first night there, we decided we wanted dinner at this italian restaurant, Ristorante Volare, we checked it out on the map and thought we knew just were we were going. Wrong. I think it was 30 minutes before we found the place. In a hotel. 30 minutes. Our map reading skills leave much to be desired to say the least. I never realized how much Rick takes care of when we travel (like map reading). So much that I just take for granted. Not any more. I think Leeann and I are both so blessed to have the husbands we do who usually just take care of everything for us. I really value that.

There were so many funny things that happened. I'll have to blog about some of them when I have had time to decompress a little. A couple of times we were just rolling with laughter. I can't think of anyone I would have rather had this experience with. I will treasure these memories for a lifetime.

More tomorrow!
Have a happy Monday!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll be cherishing those memories right along with you!! It was a great weekend! I love that I got to spend it with you!
Love ya!
LA :)