Sunday, October 07, 2007


Do you know how nice it feels to step into last year's jeans and have them fall off of you? So nice. I've spent the morning trying on my fall clothes, after all it is October and surely we will see some fall weather soon. None of my clothes fit. That is very good for my ego but not so good for my pocketbook (or actually Rick's checkbook : ) ) . Usually I dread getting into my jeans because I usually wear skirts in the summer and in skirts there is a lot of room to expand! Not this year. Leeann has been a great source of inspiration for me this year. We have started going to Water aerobics again. Got to get healthy. My blood pressure is screaming that at me. And so, I think I'll listen. I started on a new BP pill and my pressure is lower but definately not low enough. I suppose it will take some time.

Only 11 more days til Disney World!!!!!! Yay for us!

Happy Sunday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I cleaned out more clothes from my closet today too!

You've been an inspiration to me! We inspire each other! Go us! :)

I'll call you after the exercise Nazi tomorrow.
Love ya!
LA :)