Friday, October 26, 2007

Romeo and Edna

October 25

Today was our last day here at Disney World. I must say I am so sad to be leaving tomorrow. I love it here.

We arrived at Epcot before it opened and were there for the countdown. Its always so exhilarating to hear the countdown. We were among hundreds of people who swarmed Soarin’ first thing. Soarin’ is the most popular ride in Epcot now and everyone wants to ride it. It was amazing just getting to the ride. They even had a mariachi band at the bottom of the escalators to greet all of us into Soarin’. Disney has this big marketing thing going on now called The Year of a Million Dreams. So while we were waiting in line, they came around and handed us these cool cards on lanyards that were to be used as fast passes for the whole rest of the day! They said that they were giving away a dream of not having to wait in line for the rest of the day. It was awesome. We were able to walk right on Test Track and Mission Space and even Soarin’ again. Very cool.

Soarin’ is an awesome ride. I can so understand why people wait 90 minutes in line to ride it. Its like a hang glider ride through beautiful California. We loved it. Rick doesn’t like heights but it was so cool, he wanted to ride it twice! Go Rick!

After lunch, we went to the world showcase and began our quest for chocolate around the world. It was fun finding the chocolate at the different pavilions. We now have chocolate from Canada, the UK, France, Morrocco, Japan, Italy, Germany, Switzerland. There was no chocolate to be found in China, Rick says just as well, it would probably have lead paint in it anyway. lol. When we went to the American pavilion, I thought, what could be more chocolate America than a Chocolate chip cookie, right? Wrong! I got the chocolate chip cookie, it came in this nifty package but as I got to looking at it, I discovered that it was actually made in CANADA! Go figure. America even outsources its chocolate chip cookies!

At the Italian pavilion, we stopped to watch a street show. There are these “world showcase players’ throughout the park and they put on these comedies throughout the day. So we stopped to watch and the play was a spoof on Romeo and Juliet but it was called Romeo and Edna. And guess what? They picked me out of the crowd to be Edna!
It was great fun! I had to say the famous line, “Romeo, Romeo, where for art thou Romeo?” I had to “platonic slow dance” with my Romeo and even play dead for the crowd (with my eyes rolled back and my tongue hanging out!). I loved it. The bad part is, I had the camera so Rick couldn’t take pictures! I guess we will just have the memories. They even gave me a little pin to wear that said “Honorary world showcase player”.

We have made so many incredible memories this trip. Disney does know how to do it up right. Rick has been wonderful. I can’t think of anyone I would have rather spent this fantastic time with. He really is an incredible man and I am so lucky to have someone like him. His jokes are a bit much to take when I am with him 24/7 ( and he is constantly joking). But I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Tomorrow we are off to spend a couple days with my mom and dad in Lake City.

Have a magical night!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you are having fun with your folks. Epcot sounds like it was so much fun!! How cool about the fast passes!! Even cooler that Rick rode some serious rides this trip!! I can't wait to hear more in person! But seriously, one question! Edna?
Love ya!
LA :)