Friday, September 28, 2007

"Welcome to your 40s."

That' s a quote from Rick the other day when I was talking to him about my headaches and my neck strain. It really is true that our bodies are not as resilient as we get older.

Remember a couple days ago when I told you about my blood pressure? Well today, I was on my way to work and I became so dizzy I couldn't drive. I sat there in my car in the Burger King parking lot for 30 mins. expecting that it would just pass. It didn't. I finally had to call work because at this point, I could not sit, walk or anything. There was no way I was going to work. Karen came and got me. (bless her). She took me to my Dr office and I was there the entire rest of the morning. We finally left about lunch time. The Dr.s and Nurses at Family Care Specialists were extraordinary. They were so kind. One nurse even took a warm cloth and wiped my face clean from where I'd been crying. There were mascara streaks all over my face, she said. My blood pressure was 210/140!!!! OMG. That's scary. It took 3 BP pills over the course of several hours to get my BP down and to get my dizziness to be better, enough that I could walk. I was getting kind of sick from the dizziness. It's better now though. My BP is down to 110/72 and my head is not spinning. I slept the afternoon away because after all of that, I was exhausted. I don't know what in the world would cause the BP to go so high. No one at the dr. office seemed to have any answers either. All the labs, EKGs etc were normal.

Rick has been the best nurse. I told him he went into the wrong career field. He said, "I'm a software guy." He took such good care of me. I love him for all he does for me and just all that he does for everyone in our lives. He is a kind soul.

I absolutely need to take care of myself! 210/140 is very dangerous and I hope to live for a very long time, so I really need to get it together. I am going to join the Y tomorrow. I'm hoping Sienna will join it with me. Leeann, Sienna and I are going to have a big time with Anna at water aerobics. Also, it is low salt, low fat and no caffeine for me. I'm turning a new page in this 40 year old book!!

Have a happy night!

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