Monday, December 31, 2007

A year in review

Well, today is New Year's Eve. We will probably be in bed by 10 as usual but that's okay with us. Seems like most days with us are celebratory days so there's no need to stay up until midnight. We have a great life.

I was just looking back through my blogs over the last year. My 2 primary New Year's resolutions were to lose 40 pounds and to not be a bitch. Well, I lost 48#! and I tried very hard to be nice everyday. So, I must say, I think I really accomplished some things! Its time to think about new year's resolutions again. Once again, losing weight will be one of them but I'm hoping to come up with some more meaningful ones as well.

In reading over my old blogs, the pervasive theme was my weight. Its embarrassing to see how much I focused on my weight. I'm going to try not to do that this year. At least, if I am focused on it, I'm not going to go on about it in my blogs. It is always in the back of my mind, I've struggled my whole life, but it doesn't have to always be in the front of my mind.

Another pervasive theme in my old blogs was my love for Rick, my friends and my girls. Do you know how lucky I am?!! I hope that this year, in 2008 I am able to continue to grow in my relationships with them. I am truly, abundantly blessed.

I am going to visit my parents and my nephews next weekend. I'm excited to go. I love making that long car trip alone. It gives me time to think and to refocus. I'll miss Rick and the girls, but it will be nice to have "me time". My dad likes to take care of me while I'm there and I like to let him. Rick and I talked a while back about my parents. I really feel like I need to see them more often. They won't always be around, so I want to see them as much as I can. Rick understands this because he lost both of his parents a few years ago. I know he misses them very much. So, off I go for a long weekend.

Sienna is having a tough time again. Bless her heart, life just hasn't been easy for her since she moved out on her own. Her roommate has decided she is moving back to Georgia to be near her mom. I say, good riddance to her, because she has really been annoying since she moved in, but that means that Sienna will have to search for a new roommate or figure out how she can pay rent on her own. I know its a struggle, but surely, eventually, things will get easier for her. I can't do it for her, she will have to figure things out on her own. At least, that's what everybody keeps telling me.

Have a Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wasn't it fun to look back over a whole year of your blog entries? Did you read about things that you'd forgotten? I sure did!

You are so special to me! I know we are going to make even more fun memories in 2008!!!

YAY! Here's to us!
Love ya!