Saturday, August 04, 2007

Wish I could capture this

I was just telling Rick yesterday that I have felt more clear this week than I have in a month or longer. I feel good. I want to socialize. My moods have been excellent. I'm not stumbling over my words and best of all, my mind is sharp. Now that's pretty significant. I wish I could capture this. Bottle it up and save it for a rainy day. The sad reality of it is, in another couple weeks, I will probably enter into the fog again and withdraw and not want to get out of bed for work. Its the nature of the illness. Just the way my life is. So for now, Yippee!!! Love this life!

Sienna is coming over tomorrow night. She will stay here so that she can get ready for the first day at her new job. This is a very exciting time for her. Once we get her working and into a new place here in Knoxville, I think she will be so much happier. It will be nice to have her settled. People are always happier if they are settled.

Went to a scrapbook crop last night. Nuthin' but scrapbookin' all night. Oh yeah. It was nice. I didn't get much done, I don't think I even got one entire layout done, but it is always so much fun chatting with other scrapbookers. We really are a nice bunch of people. I had my favorite scrapbook buddy right there by my side as always and it was great fun!

Have a happy Sunday!

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