Monday, September 10, 2007

I'm excited already!

Just started a new book.
Getting prepared for our trip next month. You never can be too prepared for Disney World. Now, I have been to Disney at least 10 times and you would think that there would be no need to read the hundreds of books there are out there about it. But I learn something new every time I read this book. It is very cool to read and fantasize about what a blast we are going to have. We always do have a good time. We have learned to take our time and just mosey around the parks. We don't have kids with us anymore so there is not all of the pressure to hurry up and get to the next ride. Its amazing how much you can miss if you just run from one ride to the next. The way we do it, we get to take in a whole lot more. It is just an incredible, awesome place and I can't wait to enjoy it again. Only 6 weeks to go and I will be at my most favorite vacation spot in the world!

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