Thursday, September 20, 2007

old friends

I went to a conference today for work stuff. I was so dreading it. These things can be so boring and this one was but man, did I have a good day! I ran into some ladies that I had worked with at St. Mary's all those years ago. It was so good to see them! Two of them, Laura and Susan were my mentors when I first moved here to Knoxville. They have taught me all I ever needed to know about psych nursing. We really have some good memories together and I was just gushing with joy that I saw them today. So many relationships over the years that I have just sort of let go. It takes work to maintain a friendship and over time, people tend to lose touch. Its a shame, really. Seeing them has brought back a flood of memories, good ones. My time at St. Mary's was wonderful. The only reason I left there was for more money after my divorce. I have thought of all of them often and can I just say that I am so so happy that I saw them!!!! lol. We have promised to make a play date soon so hopefully I will do better at keeping in touch this time. I am going back to the conference tomorrow and I am absolutely looking forward to it!

Tonight is SURVIVOR!! Woohoo!!! So, don't anybody call me between 8 and 9:15. I will be out of commission for an hour. Inevitably, Chanel will call. Rick and I used to make jokes about her always calling on Thursday nights between 8 and 9. Its like she has radar or something! But tonight I will not be answering the phone. It is the season premiere!

I couldn't sleep last night. We had Fuji's. It was so dumb of me to have Fuji's on a work night. For some reason, it always causes insomnia. But, I took an ambien and thought I would be able to sleep with that. I couldn't. So I got up about 12 and took another ambien and came in here to my office until I could get sleepy. Because of the ambien, I don't remember what I did last night but I sure could have gotten into trouble! I just now checked my email and apparently, I won the item I bid on on ebay. Hmmm, don't remember bidding on any items, but now I am the owner of a new scrapbooking book. Luckily it was only $11. And, I have just finished up a beautiful scrapbook that I am making for Chanel. Its one we started at CKU. I guess last night I decided to add some finishing touches to it. Bad move. One should not ink the edges of paper when one is in an ambien stupor. Far as I can tell so far, that was about the extent of my shenanigans last night. I think Rick is going to have to chain me to the bed at night. :-)

Have a happy Thursday!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No comment on the chaining! ;)

So glad that you ended up having a great day at your conference. How nice to run into old friends!