Monday, November 19, 2007

Things I am thankful for

A week has passed and I am proud to say that I have exercised everyday, I've only not drank water 3 times and I have successfully only eaten 1/2 portions all week. Yay. I'm trying to not be so obsessive about it. Leeann really got on to me the other day. She told me I was being too hard on myself, that I was fine the way I am and basically to knock it off. Only a best friend can praise you and tell you you're being an idiot all at the same time, with a smile. Love that girl. Thank you, Leeann.

I've been thinking about all the things I am thankful for this week. I am thankful for all the normal things like friends and family, prosperity, love etc etc. But there are other things. I am thankful that I don't have to pump my own gas for one thing. I am thankful that I never have to worry that I won't have the money to get my nails done. I am thankful that I have turned into a prissy girl and know what its like to have a good massage. I am thankful that I get a kiss every morning between 6-7 am. I am thankful I don't have to get the bills out of the mailbox. I am thankful I don't have to manage my own finances. I am thankful that I work on a Mac and that I don't have the day to day troubles that Windows users have. I'm thankful that my kids feel close enough to me to be able to talk about their love lives. I am thankful that they want to be with me at all,actually. I feel thankful that I have 60 prs of shoes to choose from everyday. I feel thankful that I have a beautiful studio in which I can work on my scrapbooks. I feel thankful that my family actually loves to be around me and that they don't call me names behind my back. ( I don't think) I am so grateful that I still have my parents. I feel thankful that we are fortunate to be able to spend the holidays with those that we love. I am thankful that it only takes 2 hours to clean my whole house. I am thankful for quiet neighbors. I am thankful that I am fortunate to have enough food, shelter, tons of clothes.

Now a lot of these things may sound pretty shallow. But I know what being poor is. I have lived it. I have lived through borrowing toilet paper from work because I didn't have the $1 that it took to buy a cheap 4 pack. I have lived through going through those payday advance places because I didn't have enough money to have gas to go to work. I have lived through our lights being turned off, through our insurance getting canceled, through creditors calling every day over and over and over. I know what its like to not know how I was going to buy baby formula or diapers or dog food. I know what its like to have to cut firewood for heat because we couldn't pay the heating bill. I know what its like to have the same one pair of shoes for 2 years or more. I know what its like to not see my family for over a year. So I know what to be thankful for.
I am thankful most of all for Rick. He saved me and my girls 11 years ago and has helped me so much by providing me with all the things I am so thankful for. I am so blessed and I know that.

We will be spending thanksgiving with Don&Leeann, Katie, Chanel and Sienna. I am so blessed to have the opportunity to spend the day with the people I love most.

Have a happy Thanksgiving. Count your blessings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You so need to scrapbook that posting!! It made me laugh and cry! The laughing was about you being thankful for your! I'm happy that we will be spending Thanksgiving together! I love ya bunches!
LA :)