Wednesday, August 22, 2007

We're off tomorrow!! and I'm not even packed!

Off to CKU tomorrow. Going to meet some fun new people. Going to probably do things i have never done before and its really making me nervous. I'm trying to stay my own calm, laid back self but I'm getting a little anxious. I think it will be better once we are in the car and on our way. {{{deep breath}}}. Worried I am going to forget something. But seriously, it is going to be okay. We are going to have loads of fun. I am so blessed to be able to go with a 3 time CKU veteran, my very bestest friend, Leeann. I think our primary roles are to keep each other grounded. She's usually pretty anxious, I'm usually laid back. We're like Forest Gump says, like peas and carrots. Different but we complement each other so well. We're a great team.

I am going to miss Rick though. That's always the cause of such ambivalence when I go away. I miss him. He is my better half and without him, I always feel like I am missing something. I am, I'm missing him. It will all be okay though.

Now, if I can just go take a sleeping pill because I can't get my mind to slow down, I think I'll try to go to sleep now.

I won't have a computer at CKU so watch Leeann's blog. She'll keep you updated on the activities in Nashville.
Also, for those who don't usually read her post, read it this week she has a surprise for you!

Have a happy week!

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