Thursday, May 24, 2007

Pam will be proud

Pam will be proud to know that these beautiful nails of hers are such effective scratching tools. I have a heck of a rash all over me. Benedryl cream just isn't touching it. We just went to Walgreen's to get some benedryl pills in hopes that I will have some relief! Needless to say, I was out of the sun for the most part today. We did go back to St Augustine (did I mention I love that place?). We just went and saw the fort and shopped around some. I found a purse that I fell absolutely in love with. Like I need another purse. Rick offered to buy it for me if I promised not to pout for the rest of the trip. Hmmm, tough decision. You all know how much I love purses. I agreed to the terms and I am now the owner of a gorgeous purse! Unfortunately, he has had to remind me a couple of times, but gosh, I'm at the beach and I can't even go to the pool. : ( {{{pout}}}

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OH NO!! I'm so sorry that you are uncomfortable! That's just not fair! But, I'm happy that Rick is helping you to make the best of it! :)