Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I was a scoutmaster, you know

I just returned from my Mom's. She is doing fine. She's getting along pretty well with her walker. Still in a lot of pain, but hopefully that will get better with time. We weren't able to get out and do much while I was there. There are fires all around Lake City. Over 100,000 acres are burning and it is so smoky outside we couldn't breathe without coughing. It was hard to drive because we couldn't see 20 feet in front of us and many drivers were driving without their lights on. The interstates, I-10 and I-75 were closed much of the day for 3 of the days that I was there. I was able to take Mom to her favorite restaurant for Mother's day, Red Lobster. It was so good. I have not followed my eating plan while I've been gone and I am afraid to step on the scale. My dad was completely offended whenever I would say No to the food he was offering and believe me, he was always offering food. The first day I was there, he brought in 2 bags of apples and told me to peel them. Then we proceeded to make apple pies, that's pies, with an s. We made three. Then he was shoving honey buns down my throat, and ice cream. The neighbor lady was kind enough to bring us a pound cake. Aaaarrrgh! It was tough. But, now I'm home and have more control over what I'm eating, so I will get back on track. My dad made ribs and Rick really likes my dad's BBQ so he sent half of the ribs home with me, along with one of the pies, and a loaf of bread he made. Dad was afraid that I might get stuck in traffic and be hungry so he also sent me home with a paper plate, a fork and a plastic cup so I could have a meal on the road if necessary. lol! When I commented on how he just always thinks of everything, he said, " I was a scoutmaster, you know. " Cracked me up! He is definately always prepared. I would never have thought of my dad as a scoutmaster. He was married before he married my mom and I have step siblings that are several years older than me and its weird to think of him having a life with another family.

I learned a lot about my dad this trip. Mom spent a lot of time in bed and always went to sleep early and Dad and I were able to sit up and chat at night. I enjoyed listening to him talk about his childhood and about his memories of my childhood. Many things I had forgotten. It was nice to be able to get to know him a little better. So often, my dad is very gruff and intense and hard to get along with. It was pretty cool to see a softer side.

I am very glad to be home. I love this place and it is here, with Rick that I am truly happy.

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