Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Chanel and Jesse have broken up. She hasn't actually told me this but according to her facebook they have. I think maybe she just doesn't want to talk about it because it is too painful. I really like Jesse and care about him a whole lot but there are some core values that the two of them don't share and you just can't have a marriage without the same core values. It doesn't work. I have cried a lot today. Not because they broke up, I feel like its going to be okay. I've cried because Chanel is in so much pain. I hate it. I, again, wish I had that magic wand. Heartache is a part of life. We all go through it, but knowing that doesn't make it any easier. It still sucks. Whenever she used to be upset when she was little, I would pull her up onto my lap and just rock her while she cried. I wish I could do that now.

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