Monday, May 21, 2007

Its been three days and No TV!

Can you believe it? If you know Rick and I at all, you know that we are seriously addicted to TV and to our TIVO. That is just what we love to do for leisure. You can call us anytime in the evening and ask us what we are doing and 9 times out of 10 the answer will be "watching TV". Well, we've discovered that there are much more fun things to do than watch TV! Can you imagine? We are loving walking on the beach at night and then sitting out on our balcony with a glass of wine listening to the waves and talking. Its so relaxing. This trip is just what the Dr. ordered especially to Rick. He has been working so hard the last few months and he really needed to get away to do nothing.

We went to St Augustine today. I just love that town. Its beautiful and historical and so touristy. Very cool. We ate at Harry's which is a place that we have to eat at every chance we get. Its a cajun/ New Orleans style place in an old historical house which is just beautiful and their Jambalaya is to die for! There was a couple sitting next to us who was from Michigan. He offered to take our picture and of course we let him. Its hard for us to get pictures of us together because usually its just the two of us whereever we go. I thought it was very nice of him to offer. I'll post the pic when I am at home and on my own computer. Our server was this cute little blond who looked just like Izzy on Grey's Anatomy. She attends Flagler College which is there in St. Augustine. The campus is just beautiful. The buildings are old, historical..It doesn't really look like a campus at all. Its right in the middle of Old St. Augustine. Chanel wanted to go to Flagler when she graduated HS but the tuition was exhorbitantly expensive, there was no way we could swing it.

I laid out today at the pool but only for about 2 hours. So relaxing. Its not crowded here at all and I have seen very few kids so its pretty quiet. This vacation is just what we needed.

More tomorrow


Anonymous said...

No TV? LOL! How are ya'll surviving? It sounds like you are doing quite well. I can almost close my eyes and picture it! You better not come home more tan than me! I think I may need to visit Salon West tomorrow! ;)

Can't wait for ya'll to come home all rested!

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

I apologise, but, in my opinion, you are mistaken. I can defend the position. Write to me in PM, we will discuss.