Sunday, May 06, 2007


Well, she did it! Chanel finally graduated and I am so very proud of her. She is probably tired of hearing me say it! Graduation went off without a hitch. She looked so beautiful in her cap and gown. The ceremony was very long, over 3 hours and we ended up sitting in the uncomfortable seats but it wasn't too bad. I got just a few pictures but between Jesse and Danny and myself, I think we ended up with some beautiful photos at least enough to scrapbook! Rick did go to graduation with me. He is so stressed out at work and the idea of taking a day off was very painful to him, but he enjoyed it and was glad he went. He has a lot invested in that kid, I guess yesterday some of it paid off.

It was pouring down rain the entire morning and in our rush to get into the building, I lost my shoe 3 times. We were walking so fast that the last time I lost it, I was at least 10 feet past it before I realized it! People were having to walk around it! Flip flops in the rain just don't work.

I didn't get to take Chanel out for lunch afterwards because Danny wanted to. It just would've been too uncomfortable with all of us together. We are hoping to take her to dinner sometime soon.

Vacation is in 12 days! I can't wait!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Chanel! What a huge milestone!! YAY!!! Great pictures too!

I hope to catch up with you tomorrow! I've missed ya!
LA :)