Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A whole 12 dollars?

Today was a regular, pretty normal day. Worked out this morning, showered and went to work. It wasn't until 1/2 way through the day that I realized, "hey, I'm having a good day!" I was trying to figure out why today was so much different than any day last week. Last week, it was all I could do to get up in the mornings and go to work. I would spend much of the evening before dreading the next day. The thought of listening to people talk about their problems all day was really getting to me. But, I've realized that about one week a month I go through this. I just have a completely un-Lisa like attitude toward work. But this week, so far, so good. I've been kind of tracking it for the last 4 months. I keep a mood chart online to monitor my moods. I definately hit a slump one week a month. So I am beginning to figure out that this is probably just a mood cycle. I have talked about this with my psychiatrist in the past and he just wants to up my meds. I'm just not going along with that. I will just have to learn to deal with it as it comes. My job is very rewarding and I love all of my coworkers and on good weeks, its hard to imagine me doing anything else for a living.

Sienna called today. She is hoping to get a job as an assistant manager for Cato. Apparently the district manager really likes Sienna and wants her to come and work for her. She will find out for sure tomorrow. I'm excited for her but I was sure to emphasize to her that school comes first. I hope that she will have good insight and realize that in the long run, she will do better if she finishes school. She's got a pretty good head on her shoulders so she will probably keep her priorities straight.

Leeann is doing so well. She's adjusting to her new stomach and is even eating real food now. Yippee! I'm so proud of her for being so strong through all of this.

We got the last pieces to our new bedroom today. It all has come together very nicely. And yes, I am still incorporating running and jumping on the bed into my fitness program. I think I'm getting pretty good gluts too from doing that. Rick even said he could bounce a whole $12 worth of quarters off of my butt. Hmmmmmm.........not sure if that's actually a compliment. (I think to him it is!) ;-)

Have a good Wednesday!!

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