Sunday, February 04, 2007

My girls

Today is Super Bowl Sunday. Go Colts!! Peyton Manning deserves that Super Bowl ring more than anyone else in the NFL.

Yesterday I went to Cookeville to visit Chanel. I love love love seeing her. We have such a strong bond and we just love being around each other. We went shopping at Chanel's favorite place, Goodwill. I thought we would never get out of there! 2 hours. That's how long we were there, 2 hours. Ugh. They were having a 1/2 off sale. They have lots of stuff there with the tags on it still. That's why it took so long, we had to go through each individual piece to find the good stuff. Then we went to this great shoe store. Marti & Liz shoes. Wow. That is an awesome shoe store. They have all name brand shoes for discounted prices. We walked out of there with 4 pairs of shoes and I really wanted 2 more pairs but I thought Rick wouldn't quite understand. :-) Shoe shopping is one of my favorite things to do. We spent at least 1 1/2 hours in the shoe store too. And then, it was time for me to go home. I hate leaving her. We are so close and I just love her! Not only do I love her, I really really like her. Chanel is one of those people that everyone likes. She just has a way about her that makes each individual feel like they are very special to her. She's the most social person I know.

Sienna didn't get the assist. manager job. There was another applicant that had management experience. Im a little relieved. I just don't think she needs the added stress right now. She is going to work as a sales associate though and they have guaranteed her plenty of hours and more money than she's ever made so she is thrilled.

I am so lucky to have 2 girls who love me as much as they do. They are good girls. Never any legal stuff or drugs or alcohol. They are both beautiful, bright, down- to- earth girls, though Sienna does get a little dramatic sometimes. I'm grateful to have such close relationships with each of them.

Have a happy Sunday!

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