Saturday, January 27, 2007

I just finished talking to Sienna, my youngest. She's having friend problems. It seems that her best friend has moved on. They don't have any time to be together and they have grown apart and of course, Sienna is hurting. It takes a lot of work to keep a friendship going. I guess that's something she will learn in time. She's only 18 and she'll have a broken heart many more times in her life and that is so unfortunate. I wish I could shield her from that. I have always been one of those kinds of moms who swoop in to save the day. It kills me to see my girls suffer in any way. But there are some experiences kids just have to go through. She's had it kind of rough the last few months. She insisted on moving out on her own and while her dad and I are trying to help her financially, she is still struggling. She was failing school for a while but she rallied finally and actually ended up doing very well. She's had problems with her job. She has had a lot of guy trouble. I wish I could make it all better, but I can't. Its all part of growing up. I wouldn't be 18 again for anything. Though when I was 18 I was married and had a baby and had moved 3000 miles away from home. Now that was rough. We all make choices and have consequences for those choices. You just have to make the best of it.

Chanel called me last night and had another great idea for a business venture. " A Tisket-A Tasket" She wants to start making celebration baskets. I guess she thinks there will be quite a market for them in Cookeville. I think its a cute idea. But she is taking 18 cr. this semester, and she has to work 10 hrs a week for her internship, and she has to work 10-20 hrs a week for her catering job. Plus, she has a wedding to plan. The girl is certainly ambitious. But I think oftentimes she bites off more than she can chew. I think she will be very successful in her life. We just need to get her out of college! Its been a long 5 years!

Rick and I are going to have a quiet weekend this weekend. Its been a long time since its been just the two of us on a weekend. I miss that. If only my phone would quit ringing. I'm trying not to answer it. We think we have decided on a TV but Rick wants to go to Best Buy one more time to see if we can see the TV in Standard def. ugh. So, now that that decision is almost made, its time to start considering the surround sound system, the receiver, the DVR, the new stand to put the TV on. I honestly don't know if I can take it. We'll just do one component at a time. One at a time. Leeann had a good idea. She thinks I should do a scrapbook layout of our Best Buy experience. I am planning on taking pictures today in the store if I can get away with it.

Above you will see a project that we did in a class this past week. Leeann and I have taken 3 classes from Courtney DeLaura. We just love her classes and the projects always turn out beautifully. I hope I am able to sit around in my PJs this weekend and catch up on some scrapbook stuff.

More later.

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