Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Lane Bryant and McDonalds just go together

I had to laugh at myself yesterday. I had a Weight Watchers meeting at noon. It was just funny thinking about all the rituals we go through before a meeting. Its not just me either, its all of us. Like we have to eat a light meal the night before, and no evening snacking because "I have to weigh in tomorrow". The morning of I have to get on the scale 3 times, before my shower, after my shower with my hair wet and right before I leave to go to a meeting. Its amazing how much your weight can change in a matter of hours. No water the morning before the meeting and no food either. That will just add pounds. Then, to dress for the meeting I wear the lightest clothes I have with flip-flops. They take off 2 pounds for your shoes and I can use all the help I can get. So I get to the meeting and guess what? I gained 2 pounds. I gained 2 pounds! Then I was devastated. I mean, I've been working out! Its not fair. Of course, I guess I have to take some responsibility, I did have hot fudge cake this week. And a few other things. lol! Okay, so I haven't been real serious about my eating this week. I guess I should be more conscious about my eating. Really, in the big scheme of things, what's 2 pounds anyway? It's nothing. It's a journey not a race. As long as I don't gain 2 pounds every time I go, I'll be heading in the right direction.

When I gain weight, I get a little depressed. When I am depressed, I go shopping and I eat. So after the meeting, I headed to the nearest fat lady store and was going to buy myself a new pair of jeans. I was headed into the store when I looked up and saw Leeann standing next door. "You are not going in that store!" She knew what I was up to. lol. She is like my angel. Right there for me when I needed her. She pointed out that when I started losing weight, whatever clothes I bought, would be too big soon. And she's right. She doesn't know this but she not only saved me from Lane Bryant, she saved me from McDonald's as well. Like I said, she is my angel.

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