Sunday, May 27, 2007

Its nice to be home

We're home! Its sort of bittersweet though. I love our home and especially our bed, but it would be nice if our home was on the beach in Florida. I've posted a few pics to go with my previous blogs. So you'll have to go back and look. We had a great time. My arms still look like red alligator arms but I'm hoping the rash will get better soon. Not quite sure why I had this kind of reaction, never happened before. I did get up early on the last day there and took a picture of the sunrise. You can see how beautiful it was.

There were a lot of little funny things that happened that I won't be able to remember to write in this blog, but you can see this funny picture of Rick. The place where we stayed had tile floors. Not really a good idea, I don't think, when we were tracking in sand all day. We swept and it just didn't seem to do any good. Rick couldn't stand for his socks to be all dirty. I just ran around barefoot all the time and it didn't bother me much. But it definately bothered him. He wouldn't take his shoes off until he was climbing into bed at night and he put them right back on when he got up in the mornings. Hilarious. Well, I walked in on him one evening and this is what I saw. I couldn't stop laughing!!! The whole look just screams sexy!

This last picture was at St Augustine. These indians have been in front of the Christmas store (go figure) since I was a little girl. I have so many pictures of me and my brother and sister, and of my girls with this couple. I think its so cool that they are still there after all these years. Rick decided to change up the traditional photo this year. He decided to greet the "chief" in the traditional greeting in the traditional American Indian language, " Hi how are ya, Hi how are ya.....and on in a nice little chant. OMG. He always makes me laugh.

I guess that's enough humor for now. More later. Have a happy Sunday

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Pam will be proud

Pam will be proud to know that these beautiful nails of hers are such effective scratching tools. I have a heck of a rash all over me. Benedryl cream just isn't touching it. We just went to Walgreen's to get some benedryl pills in hopes that I will have some relief! Needless to say, I was out of the sun for the most part today. We did go back to St Augustine (did I mention I love that place?). We just went and saw the fort and shopped around some. I found a purse that I fell absolutely in love with. Like I need another purse. Rick offered to buy it for me if I promised not to pout for the rest of the trip. Hmmm, tough decision. You all know how much I love purses. I agreed to the terms and I am now the owner of a gorgeous purse! Unfortunately, he has had to remind me a couple of times, but gosh, I'm at the beach and I can't even go to the pool. : ( {{{pout}}}

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

A little too much sun

Okay now Rick can say " I told you so." I am a little sunburned but the worst part is that I have this rash all over my body, well, at least all over the exposed areas of my body. Not sure if its from too much sun, from my sunscreen or just from a photosensitivity from my medication. Its not very pleasant and I guess tomorrow we'll go do something that doesn't involve basking in the sun's rays.

Leeann has lost 100#s! Yippee! Go Leeann! I vow that tomorrow, I am going to do better with my eating. I can say all day long that it doesn't bother me to be fat, but it really does and Leeann's success has just reminded me that I need to get with the program. Its back to fruits and vegies for me. Thanks Lee for the motivation! Chanel is wanting me to walk/run with her in the Pillsbury dough boy 5 K race on June 2. I really need to get myself prepared for that. I've really slacked up on my walking and I need to get myself together and do better. It doesn't help that right across from our resort is a great little shop called iScream Creamery. Its an ice cream/ Krispy Kreme/ coffee shop. Man, talk about temptation! I am so weak!! : ) Pray that I might have strength! lol.

Love you guys.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Today was another beautiful day. The weather is perfect. There is always a constant breeze off the ocean and it never feels hot which can be kind of dangerous for the skin I suppose, but with Rick looking out for me, I don't have to worry. : )

We went to Ponce Inlet today. There is a beautiful red lighthouse that is supposed to be the tallest one in FL. We attempted to climb it, 207 steps. We made it about 2/3of the way up and then Rick got a little freaked by the height so we stopped and went back down. I was totally exhausted. My legs were shaking for 30 minutes after we got back down! I thought I was in better shape than that. I think I could have made it up there, but was glad that I didn't have to.

We ate tonight at a local restaurant called Stonewood. It was a very romantic setting, at least it had the potential to be. Its tough to have romance when you are sitting next to a group of about twenty 80 yr olds. The food was most excellent. When Rick asked me what I wanted to have for dinner before we went out , I said chicken and salad. Well, I got grouper. It was very good though I don't think I would ever order it again, just not my thing, I guess. Rick got the chicken. There were a lot of things on the menu that I had never heard of, it was that kind of place. It was also the kind of place where the prices are listed in just dollar amounts, i.e. 23-, 32- etc. Again, not my thing. I miss McAllisters! Our waiter was Nick. He was a very social guy and I guess that's all I'll say about him. We haven't been eating well this trip. For some reason, our inhibitions tend to leave us whenever we go on vacation. I'm not going to stress about it too much though. I would rather be fat and happy than thin and unhappy. I am definately happy.

Tomorrow I am absolutely going to get up to see the sunrise. I've been saying that for the last 3 days but tomorrow I'm really going to do it. It's okay, Rick doesn't believe me either. I do like to sleep.

Have a good Wednesday.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Its been three days and No TV!

Can you believe it? If you know Rick and I at all, you know that we are seriously addicted to TV and to our TIVO. That is just what we love to do for leisure. You can call us anytime in the evening and ask us what we are doing and 9 times out of 10 the answer will be "watching TV". Well, we've discovered that there are much more fun things to do than watch TV! Can you imagine? We are loving walking on the beach at night and then sitting out on our balcony with a glass of wine listening to the waves and talking. Its so relaxing. This trip is just what the Dr. ordered especially to Rick. He has been working so hard the last few months and he really needed to get away to do nothing.

We went to St Augustine today. I just love that town. Its beautiful and historical and so touristy. Very cool. We ate at Harry's which is a place that we have to eat at every chance we get. Its a cajun/ New Orleans style place in an old historical house which is just beautiful and their Jambalaya is to die for! There was a couple sitting next to us who was from Michigan. He offered to take our picture and of course we let him. Its hard for us to get pictures of us together because usually its just the two of us whereever we go. I thought it was very nice of him to offer. I'll post the pic when I am at home and on my own computer. Our server was this cute little blond who looked just like Izzy on Grey's Anatomy. She attends Flagler College which is there in St. Augustine. The campus is just beautiful. The buildings are old, historical..It doesn't really look like a campus at all. Its right in the middle of Old St. Augustine. Chanel wanted to go to Flagler when she graduated HS but the tuition was exhorbitantly expensive, there was no way we could swing it.

I laid out today at the pool but only for about 2 hours. So relaxing. Its not crowded here at all and I have seen very few kids so its pretty quiet. This vacation is just what we needed.

More tomorrow

Sunday, May 20, 2007

I'm a little red...

...but its fantastic! So far the weather has been beautiful. The "condo" isn't exactly what we expected. It was supposed to be a studio apartment and I guess it is, we have a kitchen and everything but the bed is a MURPHY BED! That's like a bed in the wall. Its okay and everything but we really like to take naps on vacation. So, the bed goes up and down a lot. Kind of a pain. Its not that comfortable either but with my Ambien, it just doesn't really matter!

I've been feeling sort of nostalgic today. I used to always take my mom and the girls down here to Daytona every summer. We ate lunch today at the little diner across from the resort we always stayed at. We really have some good memories here at the beach. Just the last year we all had a "girl trip" Sienna was in one of her moods the entire trip and was miserable and not very fun. Then on the way home from the trip she said some very hurtful things to me and Rick said, never again. I think if we all had known that would be our last trip together, maybe we all would've been nicer. Hindsight is 20-20. We both, Sienna and I, are different people now and have grown together in our relationship. Its just kind of sad to think of those days and remember. I love being here with Rick, but there is just something about an all girl vacation that is very special.

For some reason, Rick has made it his mission to be the protector of my skin. It seems to make him nervous that I want to spend 5 or 6 hours in the sun. Can't imagine why. lol. I humored him today and only laid out for about 2 hours total. It was heaven. Tomorrow, I'm shooting for 4.

More later.

Friday, May 18, 2007

I talked to Chanel for a long time last night. I guess she finally felt strong enough to talk about things. She seems to be doing okay, at least on the surface. I know its really tough for her trying to figure out where to go from here. She had the next 5 years all planned out and it all revolved around their life together, now I guess different plans will need to be made.

Sienna came and had lunch with me yesterday. I hadn't seen her since graduation and I missed her! We had a nice visit. She is evolving into a beautiful young woman. I really enjoy spending time with her.

Okay, if you've read Leeann's blog you know all about CKU registration and yes, I was a little out of character.....just a little glitch. Better now. lol. I am so excited about CKU. 2 1/2 days of scrapbooking! Wow! I can't wait! Its all I've talked about for the last few days. I bet Rick is tired of hearing about it!

We are leaving for our trip to the beach tomorrow morning. I hope to come back all bronzed....doubtful though, I usually come back looking like a lobster! I plan to be a devout sun worshipper for the entire next week. I bought a new swim suit today. I had ordered one in the size that I thought I should be wearing and it came and it didn't fit. :( Figures. So, I sucked it up. Went to Torrid today and saw this beautiful pink suit and I tried it on a size bigger. It did fit. I love it. So, I think I'll just cut the tags out and no one will ever know the difference! ; )

I thought I had gained some weight when I went to my parents' home last week. I was really dreading getting on the scale. But, I finally did get on them and I had lost .4 #s. I was bragging to Rick about it and he said, "what, you got a tape worm in there?' Leave it to Rick. He always makes me laugh.

So, I'll be gone for a week, I will try to blog. Rick is taking a computer so I should be able to.
Have a good week!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Chanel and Jesse have broken up. She hasn't actually told me this but according to her facebook they have. I think maybe she just doesn't want to talk about it because it is too painful. I really like Jesse and care about him a whole lot but there are some core values that the two of them don't share and you just can't have a marriage without the same core values. It doesn't work. I have cried a lot today. Not because they broke up, I feel like its going to be okay. I've cried because Chanel is in so much pain. I hate it. I, again, wish I had that magic wand. Heartache is a part of life. We all go through it, but knowing that doesn't make it any easier. It still sucks. Whenever she used to be upset when she was little, I would pull her up onto my lap and just rock her while she cried. I wish I could do that now.

I was a scoutmaster, you know

I just returned from my Mom's. She is doing fine. She's getting along pretty well with her walker. Still in a lot of pain, but hopefully that will get better with time. We weren't able to get out and do much while I was there. There are fires all around Lake City. Over 100,000 acres are burning and it is so smoky outside we couldn't breathe without coughing. It was hard to drive because we couldn't see 20 feet in front of us and many drivers were driving without their lights on. The interstates, I-10 and I-75 were closed much of the day for 3 of the days that I was there. I was able to take Mom to her favorite restaurant for Mother's day, Red Lobster. It was so good. I have not followed my eating plan while I've been gone and I am afraid to step on the scale. My dad was completely offended whenever I would say No to the food he was offering and believe me, he was always offering food. The first day I was there, he brought in 2 bags of apples and told me to peel them. Then we proceeded to make apple pies, that's pies, with an s. We made three. Then he was shoving honey buns down my throat, and ice cream. The neighbor lady was kind enough to bring us a pound cake. Aaaarrrgh! It was tough. But, now I'm home and have more control over what I'm eating, so I will get back on track. My dad made ribs and Rick really likes my dad's BBQ so he sent half of the ribs home with me, along with one of the pies, and a loaf of bread he made. Dad was afraid that I might get stuck in traffic and be hungry so he also sent me home with a paper plate, a fork and a plastic cup so I could have a meal on the road if necessary. lol! When I commented on how he just always thinks of everything, he said, " I was a scoutmaster, you know. " Cracked me up! He is definately always prepared. I would never have thought of my dad as a scoutmaster. He was married before he married my mom and I have step siblings that are several years older than me and its weird to think of him having a life with another family.

I learned a lot about my dad this trip. Mom spent a lot of time in bed and always went to sleep early and Dad and I were able to sit up and chat at night. I enjoyed listening to him talk about his childhood and about his memories of my childhood. Many things I had forgotten. It was nice to be able to get to know him a little better. So often, my dad is very gruff and intense and hard to get along with. It was pretty cool to see a softer side.

I am very glad to be home. I love this place and it is here, with Rick that I am truly happy.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

off to my Mom's

I am off to my Mom and Dad's tomorrow morning. I hope that I am helpful there. I really want to be but one never knows how it will turn out. My dad and I have a very simple relationship. He is always right and I am not and so long as I remember that, everyone gets along. I think its that way with a lot of parental relationships. I know my dad means well, but everytime I am with him, I feel like I am 16 again. I hope my girls never feel that way around me. I've tried very hard to treat my girls with respect and I hope they understand and appreciate that.

So, this trip will be exhausting I'm sure but we'll be okay. I know they will be glad to see me. I will return home on Tuesday night and then on Friday, its vacation time!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot wait to get to the beach and to just chill out with a good book. I'm reading Harry Potter again right now. I'm not sure if I will be able to blog while I'm gone, my mom does have a computer but I'm not sure if I will have any privacy. I'll try though. I'll miss you.

Sunday, May 06, 2007


Well, she did it! Chanel finally graduated and I am so very proud of her. She is probably tired of hearing me say it! Graduation went off without a hitch. She looked so beautiful in her cap and gown. The ceremony was very long, over 3 hours and we ended up sitting in the uncomfortable seats but it wasn't too bad. I got just a few pictures but between Jesse and Danny and myself, I think we ended up with some beautiful photos at least enough to scrapbook! Rick did go to graduation with me. He is so stressed out at work and the idea of taking a day off was very painful to him, but he enjoyed it and was glad he went. He has a lot invested in that kid, I guess yesterday some of it paid off.

It was pouring down rain the entire morning and in our rush to get into the building, I lost my shoe 3 times. We were walking so fast that the last time I lost it, I was at least 10 feet past it before I realized it! People were having to walk around it! Flip flops in the rain just don't work.

I didn't get to take Chanel out for lunch afterwards because Danny wanted to. It just would've been too uncomfortable with all of us together. We are hoping to take her to dinner sometime soon.

Vacation is in 12 days! I can't wait!!!!!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

My kids crack me up sometimes. Sienna had this whole" shopper's high" thing going the other day. I think she spent like $104. Now this is a girl on a budget. So the very next day, she calls me and asks me for money because she's spent all of hers. Hmmmmmm, I wasn't exactly born yesterday. So I suggested she take some of the stuff back that she got at Goody's the night before and she said, "Yeah mom, but I need that stuff." This coming from a girl who has absolutely no free space in her closet or in her dresser or under her bed. All I can say is the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I had to point out to her that I am grounded and if I gave her money that would be like me buying the stuff she just bought from Goody's and well, that might not go over too well here at the Rick Phillips' Bunny Ranch. I'll probably give her the money, but I'll make her sweat just a bit first.; )

My darling Chanel......there's always a story about She's such a colorful girl! She has finals this week and she really kinda has to pass her finals so that she graduates on Saturday. So what does she do the weekend before finals? She goes to Nashville and stands in line for 11 yep 11 hours for a 20 second interview for Deal or No Deal. 11 hours for 20 secs. On the weekend before finals. {{sigh}} That's my girl. ( I would never admit it to Rick, but I would have absolutely done the same thing).

My mom had a total knee replacement today. She has seemed to do pretty well. When I talked to my sister earlier today, Mom was feeling no pain thanks to the morphine drip. I hear that its a pretty painful recovery after this surgery but I am hoping that in the long run she will be pain free. I sometimes wish we lived closer to my parents. My dad doesn't tolerate changes in his routine very well and my sister is a single mother of 5 boys and she won't have much time to help out. Mom is going to need help. I can't get away until next weekend. I'm feeling kind of guilty about that. Wish I could get down there sooner. Hopefully all will be well.

Don and Leeann have taken Katie to Disney this week. I am so jealous. I'm so hoping that they catch the Disney bug and want to go back when we go in October. Disney is my most favorite place to be ( second only to being in our great bed snuggled up next to Rick.)

Have a happy Thursday!