Sunday, April 22, 2007

This has been a wonderful weekend. I have spent it with the people I love most and that makes me very happy!

Friday night we were going to see A Flea in Her Ear. But Rick is so tired. We just decided to stay home and veg out in front of the TV.I feel so sorry for Rick. He is working so hard and will probably continue to do so until we leave on our trip on May 19.

Saturday I cleaned house and did laundry and sat out on my swing in the back yard. The weather here was beautiful. The swing always reminds me of my mom and dad as they encouraged us to get it and then helped us put it together. It doesn't look like they will be coming up this spring as they usually do because my mom is having her knee surgery on May 5. I'll be going down to help out that week when she gets out of the hospital. One more trip to FL. Then I will come back, stay for two days to get ready and we are headed back down there again. Rick doesn't like to fly so we will be doing a lot of driving. Its okay though. It gives us some good quality time to be together. Like Don and Leeann, we can fill 8 hours of drive time without the radio just by talking with each other. The IPods help too sometimes.

Saturday night we spent with Don and Leeann. I haven't laughed so much in a long time. We had a lot of fun with Don in his role as CoCo the card Nazi. (inside joke). We can always find something to talk about with them. There are never any uncomfortable silences. Mostly just humor and laughter. I have never had friends I could be so open and honest with. It feels good to have that in our life. Please go look at Leeanns blog. Go back and look at a before picture then see the now picture. She is so beautiful!

Today Chanel and Jesse came over. I took her and bought her 3 business suits since she has her first interview next week. She is graduating in 2 weeks!!! Can you believe it?! I am so very proud of her. Words can't express how I feel about it. I am so proud. It was touch and go for a semester but she pulled it together and now has a 4.0 in all of her major classes. Oh! one more wonderful thing, she told me today that she was accepted in to the MBA program at Tech. They have a one year program and she plans to finish it in one year with an MBA with major in international business. Did I mention how proud of her I am? We had fun shopping today, She looks beautiful in her new suits. Very Professional. Jesse was with us and he frequently offered his unique point of view on the outfits. The wedding is back on. I mean the wedding at the lake. with all of the to-do stuff. Maybe they can focus on it once school is out. Maybe I can lose some more weight by their October date.
Chanel always makes me laugh. Its fun to see her and Jesse interact together, She tries to get feisty with him and he does just like Rick does, tries to insert a little humor and it works most every time. I have had concerns about them getting married but he is very good to her and he seems to know how to handle her many moods so they will probably be fine.

I've been slacking up on the dieting since the red velvet cake. I've been corrupted! But seriously, Chanel and I have decided to get back on the fruit and vege diet. Its easy to follow and it works. We each made a goal to see who could get below a certain weight (which I will not mention for the sake of Chanel's privacy) the fastest. She seems to think she can because she's younger but it will be fun to find out. I love these challenges, it really gives me something to strive for. We are also back on the fitness challenge for the next 8 weeks.

Then, tomorrow Sienna is coming over because she needs me to buy her some shoes. Working on her feet all day is causing her feet problems. She is miserable. Hopefully we will be able to find some comfortable shoes that fit. She can't wear tennis shoes. So we should have a good day shopping tomorrow. One of the things I love to do is shop. I did spend an awful lot of money today. So hopefully my financial manager won't be too upset with me after tomorrow.

Let you know how tomorrow turns out. Sienna with be pleading her case to go to Tech next semester. We and her Dad kind of want her to stay at Walter State for one more year. But she just seems so unhappy there. The questiion with Sienna is: will she be happy anywhere? It seems these days, she is constantly grouchy. Wish I had a magic wand to wave over her to make her have a lighter, happier spirit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that we are friends! :)