Sunday, April 15, 2007

I just had a great day and night! We went to Courney's and we scrapbooked all day! I finally left about 10:30 and I was exhausted! We completed several projects and I got 4 additional pages done from page kits. Whew! Now that's my idea of a very good day! Courtney is so creative. I really like her style. If I could have 1/10th of her creativity I would be jumping for joy. So we had a good time hanging out with other women with our same interests and I always have a good time with Leeann no matter what we are doing.

Rick is working again today. I wish he didn't have to work so hard but a guy's gotta do what he's gotta do. Hopefully things will lighten up in a couple weeks. So, today I plan to, you guessed it, scrapbook! Its so relaxing to me. I have friends who just don't understand it but there is just something calming about working with my hands and getting those creative juices flowing. Besides, it keeps me away from the mall. Its raining here and its a perfect day to stay inside.

Leeann was telling me that the track we walk around is about 1.25 miles around. We always walk at least 2 or 3 times around, depending on Rick's foot and the amount of daylight left. I also am walking 3 miles with Leslie Sansone in the mornings. That's means potentially 6 miles a day! Now wonder I am losing weight. Rick is doing great too. Only 7 more pounds to my next goal! I am still planning on doing the Race for the Cure in October. I'd really like to walk a little faster so I can walk further at one time. Christy is planning on running the race. I'm sorry, but this body is not going to run the 5K this year. Can you imagine? lol.

Chanel graduates in 3 weeks! Yippee! Its been a long road. I am so very proud of her. The wedding date has yet to be decided. It will probably be sometime this summer. They are both too stressed out to really plan it right now. She just wants to do a spur of the moment thing, he wants to plan a little more. I just hope they take their time. She is still planning on grad school. I hope she gets in. She did take her GMAT and did pretty well considering she only had like 3 days to study.

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