Thursday, April 26, 2007

The swim suit dilemma

I had to take Don's picture from last week off of my last post. {{pout}} For some reason, he doesn't want others to see that cute card nazi face. awwwww, but he is so cute!!!! I guess I'll just have to use that pic in one of my scrapbooks because nobody ever looks at them, ever.

I am slowly trying to get prepared for our vacation. I am so excited. Only 22 more days! One of the things I am trying to do before we leave is find a new swim suit. Now that is a chore! There are of course nothing but granny suits in the stores in my size and I am looking for something a little more...enticing. I mean, this is an adult vacation, with my husband who I have hardly seen in 2 months. So, I think I'll go with enticing. There are plenty of good suits on the internet, but how do I know what size to order? I have done the measurements that they tell you to do for the proper size and mind you, I have lost 27 pounds and there is no way I could possibly be THAT size. There is no way I am ordering a suit in THAT size. Remember what I've said before, numbers do matter. So, I'm in quite the quandry. Not even my suits from last year are THAT size. How can this be? So, I don't know if I should go ahead and order the size I think I should be in or just go without.

Sienna is pretty pleased with herself that she will make at least a C in her Prob-Stats class. I must tell you that when she said that I breathed a sigh of relief. She's really struggled with living an adult life over the last year. She has been under more stress than I think an 18 yr old should be. Hopefully she will pull it off this semester and be able to keep her scholarship. She wants badly to go to Tech next year but we just aren't sure she's up to it. She hasn't really shown us yet that she can make the commitment to her education. Again, I wish I could wave a magic wand for her.

Have a happy day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I SOOOOO know what you are talking about with the "THAT SIZE" thing. I keep thinking... I've lost 90 pounds... I can't still be wearing a 22 or a 24 in some cases!

Get the size you think based on the size you were wearing! If it's a little tight, it will get better and I'm totally sure that Rick wont mind it being tight! ;)

You look fabulous and that's what matters... not the numbers!

Love ya chick!
LA :)