Saturday, April 28, 2007


I've been grounded. Usually, if I am spending too much money, Rick will gently tell me to slow down a bit. I generally do for a while. Last night he told me absolutely, in no uncertain terms, that I was not to go shopping. Now what am I supposed to do with my time this weekend?! I mean, seriously, shopping is what I do. Shopping and scrapbooking. AND this is Tax-free weekend! Do you know how many sales there must be out there? The kids were here all last weekend and I must admit, I probably did spend way too much money on them but gosh, I have a vacation coming up! I have stuff I NEED. I think it worries Rick that he hasn't had time to do my Quicken and he has no idea how much I've spent. So, that makes him a little nervous. I will try to relax and find other ways to entertain myself I guess. I could always look through Amazon. Technically, that's not really shopping, is it? ; )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Grounded!!? You and Katie both... only she isn't grounded over money! LOL! I'm sure if Don balanced our checkbook - he'd ground me from shopping too after the money I/we spent this week getting ready for our trip and for summer!

Take heart! It'll pass! :)