Wednesday, April 04, 2007

My Florida trip part 1

I just returned from a long weekend with my family in Florida and boy, there is a lot to tell! There was so much going on that I found myself taking notes. lol. So much I wanted to remember for scrapbooking and my memory is just not very good these days. I really question whether I have the early stages of alzheimers. I have to write down everything.

Friday afternoon I got in the car and made the trip to Florida by myself. The trip to my parents' house was about 10 hours. I sat in traffic from Atlanta all the way to Macon. It was stop and go for 2 1/2 hours. It usually only takes me 8 hours to get there. So, I had 10 hours to think. Believe me, I thought about everything. Religion, my attitude, marriage, kids, vacation, my job, scrapbook layouts, more scrapbook layouts...on and on and on. I've come up with lots of new philosophies which I won't bore you with here right now but maybe in the future.

On my way, I stopped at a Wendy's outside of Macon. ( I know, shame on me). While I was waiting in the drive thru line I noticed 4 women coming out of the restaurant. They all had on lime green t-shirts. One of them had on Kermit the Frog slippers! They were all dancing around and laughing. I enjoyed seeing their frolicking but the thing that touched me the most was the fact that they must have all been over 70 years old! I was like, "you go, girls!" I can so see Leeann and I dancing around like that when we are 70. I think when we go to Disney this fall, we should each buy a pair of Kermit the frog slippers to save for the next 30 years.

Saturday, I spent the morning yard saling with my dad. We took 2 of my nephews, Devin and Tristan, they are 5 and 6. We had a great time. I was reunited with a friend from high school who was having a yard sale. It was great to see her again and we both vowed to stay in touch. My dad was in a pretty good mood and seemed to be feeling well. I was wondering about how his health was doing and he seemed great. That was reassuring to me. We had a nice talk.I was so afraid that we would have nothing to talk about but it was really great. He had to parade me around to all of his neighbors and that felt good that he was proud enough of me to do that. Then I had lunch with my sister and 2 of my other nephews, Michael and Austin. They are 17 and 10. I enjoyed seeing them. They have all matured so much. I have disagreed with many many things my sister has done in her life and I have been mad at her for a while now but this weekend, I made the conscious decision to let it go. I love her and I want her to be successful and happy but she has to do it her way. I don't agree with her way, but I'm not going to waste emotional energy on being angry about it. After lunch the boys and I, all 4 of them went to see Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Not really my first choice but it was an okay movie and the boys really liked it.

Sunday, Dad and I and Devin went to church. Going to church makes me so homesick. I have a lot of old friends there. A lot of people that I grew up with are in the church. After church everyone swarmed me and it was really pretty overwhelming. I almost cried. One thing that everyone said that really touched me was that I seemed to be so happy. I was able to say that yes, I am truly happy. That I really have a good life and I am happy.

Devin and I took off for Orlando after my dad cooked me the best steak and baked potato I've ever had. It was about a 2 1/2 hour drive from my mom's. We had a great time. It was funny to see how much of Devin's life philosophy is based on Sponge Bob. He had so many cute expressions like he said " Oh Barnacles!" when I told him how much longer the trip would be. lol. At one point he told me to go faster and when I told him I couldn't because the cops would get me he promptly told me that cops only got killers, kidnappers and coyotes. He is so cute. I think he slept about 10 minutes and the rest of the time he talked. and talked and talked. That kid really has quite an imagination. I couldn't have made it without him though. He was my toll booth buddy. I think we went through 3 toll booths and I could have never found the money without his help. He did pretty good with the money considering he is just 5.

I guess that's enough for today. We met up with 3 of my aunts Sunday in Orlando and it was such a touching experience that I'll have to save it for another day as it will take up several paragraphs. I'll write more tomorrow.

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