Saturday, April 07, 2007

We really need to get together more often.

I have been thinking a lot today about my personal relationships. Why is it that in many of my close relationships I am always saying the words, "We really need to get together more often." ?

This past weekend I visited with three of my aunts. One I hadn't seen since I was about 17. The other since the girls were very little and the other, not in 2 years. I love these women. I admire them. I love being with them, but I still say, "we need to get together more often". Aunt Pam and Aunt Karla are my favorite aunts. They are very different from each other but I see myself in each of them. When I was saying good-bye to them on Monday, I sobbed. I mean gut wrenching sobbing. It was pitiful. Like a 5 yr old. My Aunt Pam and I have always had a special bond and she just has to look at me cross-eyed and I am bawling. It's very emotional. We have a very special relationship and I really need to make an effort to see her more.

So that was Monday. Today is Saturday and three times today I have said, "We really need to get together more often."or something like that. Three times. What is wrong with us in our society that we are so busy that we cannot foster relationships with the people we love the most? I am a people person. I enjoy being around others. I don't think that makes me needy, I just love people. I love the way it feels to be in a social environment. I really need to make more of an effort to be with the people I love and with those who love me. I really need to make it a priority. I think we all should.

My Aunt Karla and I had a "sleepover" out by the pool at my Aunt Sandy's house. We pulled up the loungers and snuggled under the blanket and we talked and talked for hours. It was fun getting to know her again. I think that's how kids and teens maintain such close friendships. They have sleepovers and stay up all night telling secrets. They have intimate relationships. There's some kind of rule that grown-ups don't have sleepovers anymore. Rules are made to be broken. I think we should.

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