Saturday, June 09, 2007

There must have been an explosion

Today Rick and I just hung around the house. I love days like that! I worked on my CKU stuff, did a couple scrapbook pages, did laundry and caught up on a few things. We went out to dinner early this evening to Chop House. When we came home, we opened the door and there was shattered glass everywhere. In the kitchen, in the dining room, the living room, the closets, the bathroom.....everywhere! Millions of little pieces of tempered glass. Apparently the glass top of our TV stand just exploded! It had to have exploded. I'm telling you, glass everywhere. I just wanted to sit right down and cry. So, we've spent the last 3 hours trying to clean it all up. I'm glad we weren't home when it happened. Weird.

Sienna has officially lost her scholarships. That's scholarships with and S. I am so so frustrated with her. She says its because she had to work so much. I know its for many other reasons than that. The reason she had to work so much was because of the choices she made. She can't seem to understand that and I'm not being very effective in explaining it. She has told me this entire year that she hates school and now that she doesn't have her scholarships, she can't imagine not going to school in the fall. I'm just not sure I am up for financing something that she isn't really motivated to do. Like I said before, being a parent is hard. I want to do what is best without being too harsh. And I want her to learn a lesson from this experience. Not sure what we will do yet. Surprisingly, Rick hasn't been as harsh about it as I thought he would be. He's still keeping an open mind.

I've been getting pictures ready for CKU. Its been a trip down memory lane and it makes me cry! I really miss when the girls were little. I wasn't the best parent in the world then, I was dealing with my own mental health issues. I wish I could have a do-over. They are strong, resilient girls and they have turned out very well in spite of me. I'm proud of that.

Have a happy Sunday!


Don Samples said...

What happed to the TV???? If the glass exploded, did the TV fall???

Anonymous said...

Isn't that just like a man...? All Don was worried about was the TV... geesh! I felt bad for the mess you guys had.
