Friday, June 29, 2007

Hear ye, Hear ye.....

Well, for those of you who don't already know, ( I've been telling everybody), Leeann fell off her horse today. She was out there by herself and just fell, and got kicked in the head. I'm so glad she's okay. She called me this morning when I was at work and left a voice mail that there had been an accident and that she was going to the hospital and can I please come? So, 1 1/2 hour later, I get the message and am ready to go speeding out the door when I realize, hmmm, I have no idea what kind of accident, or where she is. I finally got a hold of Don and he told me where she was. Kudos to ParkWest ER. Usually you have to wait for hours and hours in the ER but by the time I got there, they had already been in and assessed, XRayed and gave her pain medicine. 15 mins later, they were discharging her. Very nice service. Big difference from our previous experiences with Parkwest ER. She only had a slight concussion. She did get pretty loopy with the pain meds though. I was so glad I was able to help out a little. Though it would be nice if we could stay away from hospitals for a while!

I' m actually considering going back to hospital work again. Just looking for a change for now. Or maybe home care, not sure. I'm feeling a little restless these days. I get like this sometimes...restless. Wish I could find something that I could just do from home as home is where I am the happiest. Maybe check into Legal Nurse Consulting again. There are many opportunities for nurses out there. Problem is, I'm very good at what I do and am not sure I can ever be this good at anything else. I've listed my first item on ebay this week. Who knows, maybe I could make a fortune doing that.

I'm kind of struggling with my diet this week. I won't even confess all the bad stuff I've been eating. I just have a little ways to go to my big goal. Its tough. Need to get back on track tomorrow.

Have a good night!

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