Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I remember

Okay, I've just been sitting here before bed reading everyone else's blogs and the recurring theme that I'm seeing tonight is Kids growing up. Now listen everyone, you know I've been struggling with this! Shame on you for bringing it up! I miss my girls. Rick doesn't really get it. I think for the most part he is glad to have me to himself and I love love love being with him but gosh! I'm a mom! I need my kids.

Sienna has been talking about moving to Cookeville with Chanel since she won't be going to school. That's an hour and a half away from me. There is also talk of her moving right down the road. That would be cool but maybe a bit close? Not sure yet. Chanel is talking about moving to Europe. If she were to do that, I would be devastated but I also want her to do what makes her happy. Its hard being a parent and letting go. Kids do grow up. I think my girls and I have become friends and I love that. Friends should want what makes each other happy but I can't help but be a little selfish in wanting them close by.

I am remembering all of the swimming lessons, the dance classes, the girl scout camping trips ( We Hated the tents but loved the cabins.) I'm remembering the baseball games in the front yard, the silly string, teaching them to sew. I remember the Easter egg hunts, the swings at the park, playing with the piniata at the birthday parties. ( We tried to use a plastic trash bag one year with a broom stick. It didn't work.) Most of all, I remember the love and the cuddling and the tucking into bed at night. I miss that, but hopefully someday (not too soon) I will have my grandchildren to tell all of those stories to.

Sweet Dreams!

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