Monday, June 25, 2007

What a great day today!

I stole your pic Leeann. Thank you!!
I spent the day with Leeann and Katie at Dollywood and we had a wonderful time! I was kind of apprehensive about going to Dollywood since it was supposed to be 94 degrees today. We had originally planned to go to Splash Country but decided to do that next week instead. I love having Mondays off! Anyway, since it was going to be so hot, I thought Katie might have a hard time waiting in lines but she did so good! She was so patient and good natured about it, I was proud of her! Yay Katie!! And let me tell you, that kid is a thrill-seeker! She wanted to ride everything and more than once! She was my ride buddy. She wanted to sit next to me on the rides and it was great. She's so little though, I was nervous she would fall out. After the Tennessee Tornado I was afraid she would have a bruised handprint on her thigh because I was holding onto her so tight. Not an easy feat mind you, since we did the loop-de-loop at least twice(its hard to count when your eyes are squeezed shut!) I was scared to death! We made some great memories today, that's for sure! I hope that I can be an important part of Katie's life for a very long time.. I want her to be able to tell her children about all the fun memories we have made together.

Sienna stayed with me last night and we worked on her resume. We sent out at least 8 of them. I was happy she was taking the initiative to do so. I really am proud of her. She has had a lot to overcome this last year and she has really had to grow up in a short period of time. She is still having some difficulty but if she works at it, she'll be okay. I have to believe it. Both Leeann and Rick have told me basically that I need to let go a bit so I am trying to do that. Heck, when I was her age I was married and had a baby. Its hard to imagine now. I think with all the obstacles I had to overcome, I turned out okay. My girls wil too. I believe in them.

Have a happy Tuesday!

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