Thursday, February 15, 2007

Ain't love grand?

Sienna is in love. I love it when she's in love. She is always in such a good mood when she has a boyfriend. And when Sienna is in a good mood, everyone can breathe a sigh of relief! I know absolutely nothing about this guy except that he makes her happy and for now, that's all that matters. She informed me today via Facebook, (yes, Facebook, don't ask), that she might not have as much time for me now that she is officially dating someone. Not quite sure how I feel about that but its nice to have the heads up. :-)

Chanel is still in love. She is now considering not having a big wedding. She says that its not been fun for her planning for their wedding in October and frankly, its just not her personality to have a traditional wedding. I say, YAY for you Chanel! She always marches to her own drummer and good for her that she plans to contunue to do so. They are talking about getting married under a waterfall near Cookeville where they live. She was kind enough to let me know that if I couldn't make it down to the waterfall, that there was a ledge above the waterfall that I could stand on to watch. Because after all, I am getting kind of old and may not be able to get around the rocks that easily. lol! ahhhh, youth. I say, I may want to just stand on the ledge because I don't want to get soaking wet, not because I couldn't get down there.

My husband is the greatest man in the world. My valentine's gift was perfect. It was a gift card from the scrapbook store, (and lingerie, but I think the lingerie was really his gift, not mine.). The card was great but the best part was not the amount on the card, it was the fact that he actually made the effort to go to the scrapbook store to get the card for me. He tries to avoid that store as much as possible and I think it was probably uncomfortable for him to go in there, but he did it. That was very sweet. I just love him. The other girls at work made me feel proud today. They were complaining that their husbands didn't 'pet' them enough or give them enough affection but they all knew that Rick is very affectionate towards me and they are all jealous! Yay for me!

My dad called me yesterday and left me a message. He said that my nephews who are 8. 6 and 5 made him valentines cards. He seemed very proud of that. It was sweet listening to his message.

I'm off from work tomorrow and plan to spend the afternoon with Leeann and Katie. I am so looking forward to it. I haven't seen Leeann in a couple weeks, I'm sure she looks great. I can't wait to see her. I just love her!!

Have a good night!

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