Sunday, February 18, 2007

Being a mom

Yesterday Leeann and I took Katie to go and see Charlotte's web. Its pretty bad that movies based on children's books make you cry. Did I ever tell you that I'm a very emotional girl? I was telling Leeann that I miss having little girls to go and do things like see kids movies. She was quick to point out that I could go with them whenever I want which is very kind of her to offer. The point is, I miss my girls. I miss playing dress up and Barbies. I miss playing ballet and singing. I miss playing baseball in the front yard. I miss snuggling up with a bowl of popcorn. I miss the princess movies.

Today I was reminded that the kids still need me to be their mom. Sienna is very sick with Strep throat. She needed me to come up there and sort of take over, like mothers do. Soon as she asked me to come, i was in the car speeding towards her house. We went to the ER and sat and waited. I gave her cough drops, water, and rubbed her back. I even let her use my I pod. I was there with her when she got 2 injections. I was there through the tears. I took her home and made chicken noodle soup and she ate for the first time in 1 1/2 days. I think my just being there reassured her. I was a mom. i want to be able to take care of my girls when they need me. Luckily, they don't need me very often, but I just wish I could do more for them. Its nice to feel needed. Its in my nursing nature to want to help others.

I may have mentioned that I'm not good at being alone. Rick has to work all weekend and I will be by myself. Maybe I'll just sleep in a while, clean house, scrapbook. I'll figure something out. Mostly, I just miss Rick when he's gone and I sit around feeling sorry for myself. I know! I'll go shopping!

Have a good Sunday!

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