Monday, February 19, 2007

I'm on a 30 day diet and all I've lost is 15 days

This week I have been so frustrated with the whole weight loss thing. I can't seem to get it together. I thought that working out 4-5 days per week would work but here I am third week in Feb., going in to my last week of our 8 week fitness challenge and I am only down 2 pounds. GAH! I've expressed my frustration to various people and I hear things like "you're building muscle and muscle weighs more" "The important thing is that you are getting healthier" " The numbers don't matter." Well, I am here to tell you that yes! yes, the numbers do matter! They matter alot. I am telling myself not to stress about the weight, it is bound to come off. I mean, who works out all the time and doesn't lose weight, right? The answer to that question, obviously is: Me. Now, that said, I had to laugh when I was going through my old Weight Watcher booklet and lo and behold, I am actually 10 pounds less now than I was 1 year ago. Hmmmmm, now that's encouraging.

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