Saturday, February 10, 2007


Sienna came over yesterday and spent the night. Bless her heart, she says she just doesn't like going home by herself. She insisted on getting this apartment alone last summer and I warned her that she might get lonely. Of course, I am just the mom, I don't know anything. I hate the thought of her being there by herself every night. Just from a safety standpoint. I told her I was going to buy her a baseball bat to help keep her safe. I wish I could buy her a puppy to keep her from feeling lonely but they don't allow pets where she lives. I hope that when her lease is up she will rethink this whole idea of living alone. I always hated being alone at night. When Danny and I split, we each had the kids for a week at a time. I used to cry at night when the kids were gone because I didn't know what to do with myself. I had never spent nights and days alone. I went straight from my parents home to being married with children. It was tough just being alone with my own thoughts. I didn't like it at all and I hope that I never have to experience that again.

We went to Barnes&Noble for coffee and then we went to a late movie. I am getting too old for late movies! Thank goodness for White Chocolate Mocha! Sienna let me take some pics of her (big surprise)! She usually won't let me, I have so many pictures of her with her hand in front of her face. Overall, we had a great night. I didn't get to go to Fuji's though. I was pretty bummed about that. I think Rick is getting sick of Fujis, though I can't imagine why. Its like the best food ever!

Sienna took me on a tour of her MySpace. Scary. Its amazing how obsessive people can become with MySpace and Facebook. Its like an alternate reality. I don't really like it and I don't like that she spends most of her free time on it. There's some pretty weird stuff on MySpace. She offered to get my site set up for me. I just said no thanks, I don't have the time for it.

Sienna cracked me up yesterday. When the kids were little, I used to have them suck it their cheeks and make fish faces then I would hold their cheeks like that and make them say Pudgy Pup over and over. Okay, so its a llittle weird but it used to make us laugh. My mom used to do it to me when I was little. Well, the girls have little brothers who are about 3 & 4 and Sienna was doing it to them!! I love it! Carried on down through generations! :-D It doesn't take much to entertain us!

Hope you all are having a good weekend!!

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