Tuesday, February 20, 2007

inspiration from my angel

Once again, Leeann has proven to be my angel. We are planning on starting Water aerobics again at the gym. It was her idea and I love the thought of it. We used to do it together all the time and we both really toned up and felt better. My clothes definately fit better when I was doing that class. I figure that combined with Leslie Sansone, I just have to lose weight. These are desperate times. I have made 3 very specific goals for this year and they all involve being in good shape. I want to climb Mt. LeConte again, with Rick. I want to do the Race for the Cure in October. and I want to fit into my cocktail dress from our last cruise by December. I can zip it but the rolls are pretty noticeable. I want them to be much smoother without the aid of Spanx. I think consistency with the working out will be helpful. I always do better with that when I have a partner. Leeann will be my partner, my angel who will kick me in the pants if I start to slack. With all the new data about women dying of heart attacks or stroke, that is all the more reason for me to get healthy. I want to live a very long time.

I just talked to my dad tonight. He is excited that I am going to go down there to spend a few days with him while my mom is gone. Its going to be a little weird for me not having my mom there but I think it will be good for us and Dad won't be so lonely with me there. At least the weather should be warm. I'll get to spend some time with my 5 nephews as well. That's always interesting.

Chanel wants to go to grad school right after graduation. The GMAT is going to cost $250. Can you believe that? The costs of everything academic are overinflated.

More later. Have a good Wednesday. Hump day!

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