Thursday, March 01, 2007

Okay, so I so didn't want this blog to become about weight loss but it seems that weight loss is always on my mind. Its difficult not to think about it when everyone around me is thinking about it. It seems that everyone I know wants to lose weight, is losing weight or has lost weight. It always comes up in conversations. New diets, new exercise programs, new philosphies regarding dieting, its everywhere. Its the American way. We spend so much money on food every year, then we eat it all then we spend so much money on programs to help us get the food off of our fat bodies. Its crazy! Now that being said...

I am on a new diet. Its sort of a modified raw food diet. Its been tough, the first couple of days I was completely ravenous, but now I really like it. I'm not usually hungry between meals at all and when I am hungry, I'll have an apple or carrots and I'm fine. Chanel and I are trying it for 30 days. So, we'll see how it goes after that. I'm still working out most every day. I wish I had taken measurements before I started working out. Chanel said I look thinner and especially my arms are smaller. Yay! Its really motivating getting positive feedback from others. She has been on a vegan diet for about the last 1 1/2 months and she's lost about 15 pounds.

More later, (and hopefully not more about my weight).

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