Sunday, September 02, 2007

It's football time in Tennessee!!

I love football season! There's just something in the air during football time that puts everyone in an excitable, competitive kind of mood. We watched our first football game of the season last night and unfortunately, the Vols lost. I am an avid Gator fan and its a lot of fun to be a Gator fan in Tennessee, especially when the Gators are national champions. I try not to gloat but it's hard not to when I am a fan of the greatest team in the country. : ) See the link on the side. So, so proud!

We got Sienna moved into her new apartment and her old apartment is clean and ready to go. Sienna's new apartment is very nice. I really like it a lot. Her roomate seems to really like Sienna and I think they will get along just fine. I am happy that she is settling in. All of her neighbors seem very nice. There is an older gentleman who lives upstairs who really seems to be looking out for the girls and that makes me feel better. I hope she will be happy there.

Going to Chanel's tomorrow to set up her computer. She had her first week of grad school. Though she says there is a whole lot of reading, she seems to like it okay. She's a very smart girl and I think she will be fine. She keeps talking about moving to California though. I just need to try to keep her here until she finishes school.

Not a lot going on with me and I like it that way!!

Have a happy Labor Day!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey you! Hope you had fun with Chanel today! How was the game on your cool new TV? We need to catch up tomorrow or Tuesday! Have a good Labor Day!
Love ya!
LA :)