Saturday, August 11, 2007

Oh the emotion!

We all know I am an emotional girl and sometimes I hate that. But gosh, this week has been incredible for me and it just makes tears come to my eyes to think about how lucky I am in this life. This birthday of Lubbed it. My family and friends have made me feel like a princess and I have to look around from time to time and ask myself what have I ever done to deserve all of this. Its indredible! I've received phone call after phone call with birthday wishes.

The gifts I have received are not only gifts you buy, they are gifts of love and caring and complete understanding of who I am. And with them what is so special is that everyone knows just the things I've been hoping for and they try to find a way to get it for me. I don't ask for much but let me tell you, people are listening when I am talking. And I sure do appreciate that,
Leeann even drove all over town trying to find this album that I wanted. She didn't find it but just that effort meant more to me than the album ever could have.

Spent the entire afternoon with Rick and my girls. 3 of my most favorie people in the entire world. I'm not just sayng that because they are my family, I'm saying it because I don't think I could live this incredibly happy life without my favorite people.
We went out to eat. Had Olive Garden.That is actually on the 'do not eat' list and of course, I ignored it again. But it was so good and the entertainment by the girls just made it all the better.

We went by the new house that Sienna plans to move in to. Its only about 10 mins from me and thats just close enough without being too close. We like it and we think she should take it but she is having 2nd thoughts again. I just want her settled and happy. Most of all I want her happy.

I loved just being with them. We played ARE YOU SMARTER THAN a 5th GRADER? Love that game but I am absolutely not smarter than a 5th grader and I am not ashamed of it!!!! Its a fun game to play.

Going with Don to the Bridal show tomorrow, Not sure how much help I will be but I am going to give it my all and I wiil try to attempt to keep him focused and settled. That's my job I think, to calm Don down. It should be fun. I'm sure he will keep me entertained. He's a pretty funny guy.

Sleep well.

Happy sunday!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you had such a good birthday! I enjoyed spending some of it with you getting pampered! :)
Love you bunches!
LA :)