Saturday, May 31, 2008

Sex and the City

I went to see Sex & The City last night with Leeann and Sienna. Its a wonderful story about love and the everlasting bond of friendship. Its a feel good movie that you absolutely must see with your girlfriends but can I just say it is very weird sitting there watching sex scenes with my daughter sitting right next to me. eeww. There were a lot of sex scenes, hence the name, and I should have expected it. What was I thinking? I have no explanation except that as usual, I wasn't. It was a good movie though and if you like chick flicks you really must go. Just don't go with your daughter.

I've had a good week. Work just gets tough sometimes. But whose doesn't? This coming week, Dr. Robertson is on vacation so that means I get some more days off this week. That will be nice. I've got plenty to do to keep me busy. I'm going to try to help Leeann get ready for her living estate sale next week. With as much experience as I have yard saling, I should be a pro. I grew up on yard sales. My parents love to go and most Saturdays as a kid, we would be up at the crack of dawn in order to go. My parents still love to go. Its their entertainment for the week. Every time we go to visit we hit the yard sales, but my parents no longer get up so early to start. Dad will usually let us sleep until at least 7:30.

Have a happy weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can tell you from my own experience - it's a little "oggie" watching a movie with your mom or dad and all of a sudden... sex! Ack!

We still had a good time!

I can never thank you enough for helping me!

Love you bunches!
LA :)