Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I know its been awhile since I've blogged. Not a lot to say. Life is just plugging along as usual. I'm happy, those that I love are happy and I'm just so full of love and joy I could burst! Well....hmmmm.....

Oh! One thing that I really need to share happened this past weekend. Sienna made me more proud of her than I have ever been. Those who know us know that Sienna and I have a history of not getting along. Well, I always tried to get along with her, she just wasn't always receptive, lets put it that way. Prior to this year, she has been angry and depressed and hateful much of the time. This weekend, as she was expressing her gratitude for all that Rick and I have done for her, she cried. I hope this isn't embarrassing to her for me to say but I had to cry myself because I became so aware of how much she has grown and evolved into a beautiful young woman over this last year. Last year it was so hard to be positive around her because she was always sad and angry. Now its like she has had this major transformation. What a beautiful butterfly she has become! Rick, who in the past has been quite skeptical that she could change, was even saying how proud he was of her for the way she has been handling adversity. She is even talking about going back to school. Yay!

The relationship that I have with my two girls is very special and is something that I will always truly treasure. It makes me feel good that they have both turned out so well. I am a very proud mama.

Have a happy Wednesday.

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