Saturday, May 31, 2008

Sex and the City

I went to see Sex & The City last night with Leeann and Sienna. Its a wonderful story about love and the everlasting bond of friendship. Its a feel good movie that you absolutely must see with your girlfriends but can I just say it is very weird sitting there watching sex scenes with my daughter sitting right next to me. eeww. There were a lot of sex scenes, hence the name, and I should have expected it. What was I thinking? I have no explanation except that as usual, I wasn't. It was a good movie though and if you like chick flicks you really must go. Just don't go with your daughter.

I've had a good week. Work just gets tough sometimes. But whose doesn't? This coming week, Dr. Robertson is on vacation so that means I get some more days off this week. That will be nice. I've got plenty to do to keep me busy. I'm going to try to help Leeann get ready for her living estate sale next week. With as much experience as I have yard saling, I should be a pro. I grew up on yard sales. My parents love to go and most Saturdays as a kid, we would be up at the crack of dawn in order to go. My parents still love to go. Its their entertainment for the week. Every time we go to visit we hit the yard sales, but my parents no longer get up so early to start. Dad will usually let us sleep until at least 7:30.

Have a happy weekend!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I know its been awhile since I've blogged. Not a lot to say. Life is just plugging along as usual. I'm happy, those that I love are happy and I'm just so full of love and joy I could burst! Well....hmmmm.....

Oh! One thing that I really need to share happened this past weekend. Sienna made me more proud of her than I have ever been. Those who know us know that Sienna and I have a history of not getting along. Well, I always tried to get along with her, she just wasn't always receptive, lets put it that way. Prior to this year, she has been angry and depressed and hateful much of the time. This weekend, as she was expressing her gratitude for all that Rick and I have done for her, she cried. I hope this isn't embarrassing to her for me to say but I had to cry myself because I became so aware of how much she has grown and evolved into a beautiful young woman over this last year. Last year it was so hard to be positive around her because she was always sad and angry. Now its like she has had this major transformation. What a beautiful butterfly she has become! Rick, who in the past has been quite skeptical that she could change, was even saying how proud he was of her for the way she has been handling adversity. She is even talking about going back to school. Yay!

The relationship that I have with my two girls is very special and is something that I will always truly treasure. It makes me feel good that they have both turned out so well. I am a very proud mama.

Have a happy Wednesday.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

We had a great day today. Rick and I went to Dollywood. For those of you who aren't fortunate enough to live in East Tennessee, Dollywood is like a Smoky Mountain Disney World. I wish. But its a fun place to go and spend the day. We mostly just saw some shows and walked around and shopped. It was a nice low key kind of day and we really enjoyed it.

Tomorrow will be Chanel's 23rd birthday. We usually spend it at Dollywood and I was definitely missing her today. This will be the first time in 23 years that I have not been able to be with her. It makes me very sad. I almost flew over there to see her this week but didn't. I think she was planning on going to London for the weekend. She is a very lucky girl. Here are some pics. The first one is right around her 1st birthday. The second is last year on her birthday.

So, I will be missing her but I'm sure this will be one birthday that she will remember for a very long time.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Friday, May 09, 2008

My dad's 70th birthday

We went to my mom and dad's after our trip to Disney for my dad's birthday. I think he was thrilled to have us all there. Though he is frequently loud and gruff he is getting so he tears up more and becomes more emotional when he is happy. He almost cried to have everyone there and he was very happy to have the party. Its hard to believe he is 70 and he seems like he is in good health (his doctors say he is) still despite all the drinking and smoking he does. We had a good time. Ruth was there with her three youngest, most rambunctious boys. I don't know how she does it! I guess she can because she is just as rambunctious at they are. She seemed to be on her best behavior and I was glad to be able to spend some time with her.

I really need to get down to see my parents more. It has been harder and harder to live so far away from them even though they drive me crazy sometimes, I miss them. It's especially hard when I miss birthdays and mother's and father's days.

Rick no longer has his parents and so it makes me appreciate mine even more when I think about that. One problem is that my family is so loud that Rick gets overstimulated easily. We are so used to having things nice and quiet so Rick has to take my family in small doses.

Anyway, it was a nice end to our trip. My mom and I are planning on taking another trip to Michigan in July to visit my aunts and uncles (yep another vacation) . So that should be fun.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

I don't know where to start

We are back from our trip. We had a fabulous time. There is just so much to see and do at Disney and so much I want to say about it but I'm not sure where to start or how to get it all written down so I'll just give a brief was fun! There you go. Here are a few pictures to kind of show what a good time we had. Disney has photographers all over the parks and they are more than happy to take your picture with their cameras or with yours. Needless to say, I had a good time searching for the photographers. It was fun to get a bunch of pics of the two of us together for a change.

Here are pics with our favorite mouse. For some reason, all the characters like to rub Rick's head. I guess for good luck or something. We got all kinds of pictures with our favorite characters but Mickey is always our favorite. This was taken at our favorite restaurant in Epcot. The Garden Grill. The restaurant is on this rotating platform that slowly moves you around to different scenes in America. Very cool. It also has cornbread that melts in your mouth. Yum.

These are the fireworks at the magic kingdom. You can see Space Mountain right there. We ate a late dinner at the top of The Contemporary and at fireworks time, we went out to the viewing deck. They piped in the music for the show and it was almost like being there at the park, only without the crowds. It was fantastic. The dinner here was way more expensive than anywhere we've ever eaten but I think it was totally worth it.

Anyone who knows Rick understands this picture. This was at Minnie's house.

This was my thing this year. Trying on all kinds of hats and getting into character. We had a good time with it. Trust me, at Disney there are tons of hats to try!

Eeyore. So Cute! And so huggable.

Rubbing the belly and the tummy for good luck! This was at the Animal Kingdom. We went to all 4 parks. Magic Kingdom and Epcot twice. Epcot is our favorite.

So I guess that's about enough. I have tons of pictures. I tell myself every year that we go that I am not going to take so many pictures, but I always do. Half of my iPhoto is composed of Disney pictures and I have at least 5000 pics in iPhoto.

We just had such a great time as we always do. We would spend until about 1 or 2 in the parks. Then we would go back to the condo and Rick would take a nap and I would go to the pool. It was just how a vacation should be and we loved it.

More later on my trip to my parents' house for my dad's birthday.

Have a great Thursday!