Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Rick is not always known for his tact and you will understand what I mean in just a minute. I have been losing weight and had been working out pretty consistently until about 3 months ago and I just stopped. I have no excuses. I just quit doing it. I've tried and can do it for 2-3 days and then, the laziness sets in. You must know how much I love my bed! I do not want to get out of it to work out in the mornings because it is sooooo comfy. So, Rick has been very complimentary about my weight loss .Usually. Tonight, before bed, he was rubbing my arms and said....get ready... " You're getting pretty flabby. " OMG! Who says that to a woman? And my response was, "WHAT?!?!?" He said, "well, you are." He wasn't mean about it. He was just making an observation in his INTJ way. So, needless to say, I am getting out of bed at 6 a.m. tomorrow and walking with Leslie Sansone. I promise. ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Flabby is still better than before... you look beautiful. Adopt my motto... we didn't try to loose weight to get in a bikini - we did it be healthier and live longer.
Love ya!
LA :)