Sunday, August 26, 2007


We're home from CKU and we had a great time. Whew! It wasn't quite what I expected and I was right, I wasn't able to keep up but it's all good. It was a lot of fun and we met some great people from all over the country. We are totally scrapped out though. We were so worn out at the end of the day we just couldn't face going down after dinner to crop more in the evenings. I never ever thought I could have scrapbooking overload but I definately do! Oh and the stuff! We got so much free stuff! They were handing products out left and right. Leeann won drawings 4 times!! What are the chances of that? She is a lucky girl!

Believe me, we needed all the luck we could get! The Opryland Resort is an awesome place. Its very expansive and we kept getting lost. I never did figure out how to get around. I left class early one day, without Leeann, and I seriously did not think I could find my way back to our room. Our first night there, we decided we wanted dinner at this italian restaurant, Ristorante Volare, we checked it out on the map and thought we knew just were we were going. Wrong. I think it was 30 minutes before we found the place. In a hotel. 30 minutes. Our map reading skills leave much to be desired to say the least. I never realized how much Rick takes care of when we travel (like map reading). So much that I just take for granted. Not any more. I think Leeann and I are both so blessed to have the husbands we do who usually just take care of everything for us. I really value that.

There were so many funny things that happened. I'll have to blog about some of them when I have had time to decompress a little. A couple of times we were just rolling with laughter. I can't think of anyone I would have rather had this experience with. I will treasure these memories for a lifetime.

More tomorrow!
Have a happy Monday!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

We're off tomorrow!! and I'm not even packed!

Off to CKU tomorrow. Going to meet some fun new people. Going to probably do things i have never done before and its really making me nervous. I'm trying to stay my own calm, laid back self but I'm getting a little anxious. I think it will be better once we are in the car and on our way. {{{deep breath}}}. Worried I am going to forget something. But seriously, it is going to be okay. We are going to have loads of fun. I am so blessed to be able to go with a 3 time CKU veteran, my very bestest friend, Leeann. I think our primary roles are to keep each other grounded. She's usually pretty anxious, I'm usually laid back. We're like Forest Gump says, like peas and carrots. Different but we complement each other so well. We're a great team.

I am going to miss Rick though. That's always the cause of such ambivalence when I go away. I miss him. He is my better half and without him, I always feel like I am missing something. I am, I'm missing him. It will all be okay though.

Now, if I can just go take a sleeping pill because I can't get my mind to slow down, I think I'll try to go to sleep now.

I won't have a computer at CKU so watch Leeann's blog. She'll keep you updated on the activities in Nashville.
Also, for those who don't usually read her post, read it this week she has a surprise for you!

Have a happy week!

Monday, August 20, 2007


Everyone knows how much I love being a mom. My girls are terrific and I love them so much. But they have grown up and I don't mean to whine about it all the time but gosh, They are grown up! I am so lucky that Sienna is moving close to me and I think just in the last couple of months, she and I have become much closer in our relationship. She has turned into a lovely young woman and I just really like being around her. So, it will be good that she is going to live closer. I think that some boundaries will need to be established, for Rick's sake, but it could be fun!

So I just got off the phone with Chanel. We have an awesome relationship, but she has her own busy life and lately,well, she just doesn't have much time for me. She is 'in a relationship' with a guy who lives in California and she seems very happy with how its going. Instead of her calling me every day like she used to, she is on the phone with him and I'm a little jealous. Tonight, she announced to me that she just might move to CA. If she moves all the way to CA I am going to be a very sad momma! She really seems serious about this guy. I hope he is good for her. I was a little tearful tonight when she was talking about it. Its hard to imagine either of my girls moving that far away. We've just always been so close. Sad day.

The exciting thing is that there are only 3 more days til CKU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have packed and unpacked and repacked my supplies at least 3 times today, gotten my secret sis gifts ready, read all of the message boards twice,(just in case I missed anything), and have talked about it incessantly to anyone who will listen. Can you tell I'm excited?! woohoo!!

Have a happy Tuesday!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Oh the emotion!

We all know I am an emotional girl and sometimes I hate that. But gosh, this week has been incredible for me and it just makes tears come to my eyes to think about how lucky I am in this life. This birthday of Lubbed it. My family and friends have made me feel like a princess and I have to look around from time to time and ask myself what have I ever done to deserve all of this. Its indredible! I've received phone call after phone call with birthday wishes.

The gifts I have received are not only gifts you buy, they are gifts of love and caring and complete understanding of who I am. And with them what is so special is that everyone knows just the things I've been hoping for and they try to find a way to get it for me. I don't ask for much but let me tell you, people are listening when I am talking. And I sure do appreciate that,
Leeann even drove all over town trying to find this album that I wanted. She didn't find it but just that effort meant more to me than the album ever could have.

Spent the entire afternoon with Rick and my girls. 3 of my most favorie people in the entire world. I'm not just sayng that because they are my family, I'm saying it because I don't think I could live this incredibly happy life without my favorite people.
We went out to eat. Had Olive Garden.That is actually on the 'do not eat' list and of course, I ignored it again. But it was so good and the entertainment by the girls just made it all the better.

We went by the new house that Sienna plans to move in to. Its only about 10 mins from me and thats just close enough without being too close. We like it and we think she should take it but she is having 2nd thoughts again. I just want her settled and happy. Most of all I want her happy.

I loved just being with them. We played ARE YOU SMARTER THAN a 5th GRADER? Love that game but I am absolutely not smarter than a 5th grader and I am not ashamed of it!!!! Its a fun game to play.

Going with Don to the Bridal show tomorrow, Not sure how much help I will be but I am going to give it my all and I wiil try to attempt to keep him focused and settled. That's my job I think, to calm Don down. It should be fun. I'm sure he will keep me entertained. He's a pretty funny guy.

Sleep well.

Happy sunday!!!

Friday, August 10, 2007

41? Seriously?

This is a comment I heard from a coworker today when I told her that I was turning 41 today. She is about 25 and has no idea yet how that sounds to a woman as she gets older. It was like, "41 is so old," not a "man, you don't look 41!" kind of comment. (Okay, so I think probably I read more into it than was intended :-) ) Not to sound dramatic or anything but man, 41? I thought 40 was great. We always hear comments like "life begins at 40" so I thought 40 was pretty cool. 41....not so much. I mean, gosh, I have 2 grown children. I could be a grandma! Oh the agony!! lol!

I did have a great day today. Work was good then Leeann and I went to have pedicures together. It was nice to get pampered a little...together. Wish we could go away to a spa together and get pampered for an entire weekend, but I'll take an hour and a 1/2 on occasion. I'm not greedy. We really did have a good time.

The kids are coming tomorrow and I suppose we'll go shopping, because that's just what we do. We shop and we eat. Shop and eat, that's what we do and that's what we'll always do. lol. I remember when the kids were young, I used to home school them. When Chanel was about 8, I was trying to teach the kids about money, I would tell them they had so much money and they were supposed to cut pictures out of catalogs and see how much they could buy with the money they had. And it was all downhill from there. We have been spending money together ever since!

I received a gift today from Leeann's mom and grandma. As I read the card, I got goosebumps! Her mom was thanking me for being such a good friend to Leeann. Now, I don't think I am in any way an extraordinary friend, (if anything, its the other way around, she is an extraordinary friend to me), but it was such a very, sweet gesture for her to send her thanks and appreciation and it really touched me.

Have a very happy Saturday tomorrow!

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Wish I could capture this

I was just telling Rick yesterday that I have felt more clear this week than I have in a month or longer. I feel good. I want to socialize. My moods have been excellent. I'm not stumbling over my words and best of all, my mind is sharp. Now that's pretty significant. I wish I could capture this. Bottle it up and save it for a rainy day. The sad reality of it is, in another couple weeks, I will probably enter into the fog again and withdraw and not want to get out of bed for work. Its the nature of the illness. Just the way my life is. So for now, Yippee!!! Love this life!

Sienna is coming over tomorrow night. She will stay here so that she can get ready for the first day at her new job. This is a very exciting time for her. Once we get her working and into a new place here in Knoxville, I think she will be so much happier. It will be nice to have her settled. People are always happier if they are settled.

Went to a scrapbook crop last night. Nuthin' but scrapbookin' all night. Oh yeah. It was nice. I didn't get much done, I don't think I even got one entire layout done, but it is always so much fun chatting with other scrapbookers. We really are a nice bunch of people. I had my favorite scrapbook buddy right there by my side as always and it was great fun!

Have a happy Sunday!