Sunday, January 11, 2009

Letting go

I think I am getting psychotic. This whole thing with Chanel has been getting to me. I'm pretty stressed about it and so I find myself making snide comments on Facebook and on blogs and people are saying things like, "you're losing it". What the heck am I doing? Yes, I want to keep her close. I feel like I can take care of her if she is near me and I don't know Steve from Adam and I am just supposed to trust that he is going to take care of her 2000+ miles away. It's kind of a hard thing for a mom to swallow. I am very close to my girls and when you mess with what we have, well, I come out fighting. okay, so that's psychotic? Seems pretty normal to me, though others don't think so. I'm just a little resentful, can you tell?

So I can either start myself on Haldol or chill out. She obviously is in love with him and he is with her. She wants to be with him, though I see her struggling with the idea of leaving here. Ideally, he would come here, but it's doubtful that will happen. He has his life there. So, I just have to trust that they are doing the right thing. That God will take care of her. It's been tough these last few days, seeing her struggling, trying to make her way. I just have to let go. And that is very tough for me. It will not do her any good seeing me turn into an idiot, so I am just going to chill about it. I am just going to be happy that she is making her own way and having her own adventures with her life partner. And then, I will step up my visits to my therapist. lol.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're not psychotic! No Haldol needed! I hope I'm not one of those people you were referring too... I just hate to see you so worried when you've done such a great job with both your girls... life isn't perfect but I know they both will be fine!! Deep breath!
LA :)