Monday, January 05, 2009

Well, vacation's over

Today will be the beginning of getting back into the regularity of life. Over the last month and a half, we have been celebrating the holidays, taking vacations and not working much. Today all that ends. It will be April before I have any more time off and the thought of that is a bit depressing. Its cold and rainy here and can I just say, I hate the winter time.

Chanel is still in California. I'm not happy with the idea of her living out there. I guess she just has to do what she has to do. I try not to say too much about it. I just want her to be happy and if this is what makes her happy, so be it.
Sienna starts school next week. I am so glad she is going back to school. She just had to take some time off to get her head together and she has decided that school would be the best thing for her. She called me today to tell me that they have laid everyone in her department off except for 2 people. She is one of the two. She's pretty worried about her job. I keep telling her though, that it's just something she has no control over. No sense in worrying herself sick over it. She just needs to have good job performance as that is the only thing she has control over.

I just got the results from my mammogram today and it showed some abnormalities compared to my last one. It's probably nothing but it's worrisome just the same. I have been putting off calling them all day.

I really need to get my eating under control. I've gained about 6 pounds since Thanksgiving and it weighs on me everyday. It's always in the back of my mind, yet, i keep eating. So, now that vacations are over and I can be in some sort of routine, I am going to get on it and do better. I plan to work out 6 days a week and also to do Weight Watchers. I am going to get this weight off. My first goal is just 20 pounds, 20 pounds isn't that much. I can do it. Starting now. Rick is going to do it with me.
This is the two of us now. I will post another pic a month from now.

Have a great day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i just wanted to say that you are really beautiful. but seriously, lol. i was looking at the picture of you and rick and i looked over at steve and i said, "my mom is really beautiful, isn't she?"