Saturday, January 03, 2009

most embarrassing moment

I've been here in Florida for the last 3 days. The weather has been wonderful. The coolest day we've had was 68 degrees. Nice.
Sienna and I are here visiting my mom and dad. We've had a good time so far. There have been a couple of touch and go situations but we've all come out of it okay.

I do have a funny story to tell you. Friday, Sienna wanted to go visit her other grandparents for a while. Her dad, my ex and his wife were down here visiting so she wanted to go over there while Danny was here. So she did. That was the first night we were here. I stayed at my mom's and then came back here to the hotel around 9. It was very nice being here in the room by myself to sort of decompress after our visit. Sienna called about 9:30 and said they were on their way back. Her grandparents live about 30 minutes from here. So, its been a long day and I wanted to relax in a hot shower before Sienna got here. That's what I did. Felt so good.

After the shower, I just put on my PJs, it was just going to be us girls, and put my hair up in a towel and sat here playing on the computer. She called when she got here and I told her which room # and since we are just around the corner from the front desk, I stuck my head out the door so she would find me. So here she comes around the corner and I said, Yay you're back and then her dad walks around the corner. That was bad enough but, I figured, heck, he's seen me naked before so no big deal, but then, around the corner is my ex-father-in-law. Picture this, me, my hair in a towel, no make-up, tight pajamas, no bra. I am very big breasted, and it was obvious that I had no bra on. I did not bring a robe, it was just us girls. Now, that's not bad enough. Danny's step dad is VERY conservative and Very religious. And then I had to hug him. ugh. So I'm very self conscious about this whole situation and here we all are out in the hotel hallway, (they wouldn't come into the room) and all I can think about is my boobs. So, I begin trying to cover myself with my arms, Sienna now tells me that made it look even more obvious. And, Danny, being that he knows me so well, knows how uncomfortable I am so he starts grinning from ear to ear. That just made it worse.

So, I am telling my mom and dad about it the next morning and explaining that I had to give him a hug and my dad is like "So? You think he's never hugged a woman with no bra on before?" eeecchhh.

Today, Sienna and I and mom went to the beach. The water was ice cold and it was a little windy but we got some great pictures. We are headed home tomorrow.

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