Thursday, March 08, 2007


I am so fortunate to have close girlfriends. I have 3 girlfriends that I feel like I can share all the little bits of my life with. Only Leeann knows my deep dark secrets but the three of them know the little secrets like who I think is hot, who I think is a total idiot, who I think just really shouldn't be wearing those shoes with that outfit, you know, things like that, things that I can't just tell anybody. Girlfriends are a treasure. Its hard not to take these friendships for granted because if you have very special friends, like I do, they are always there no matter what. What has made me really think about this today is a conversation with one of my patients. I just felt so sad for her. She was tellling me that she is miserable. She has a husband who is absent, 2 daughters who are mean and 2 grandchildren that she has assumed care of and she is so sad. So I questioned her more about what is going on, does she have a support system? Does she go to church? Does she have friends she can talk to? and the answer to all of those questions is "no". She asked about maybe getting a referral to a therapist and I said: "You don't need a therapist, you need a girlfriend." And it is so true. She just cried and said, "yes, yes I do." How sad is that? I can't imagine my life without girlfriends. They are there to laugh with me, cry with me, become self righteous with me, everything. We girls should all foster relationships with other women, after all, our wonderful husbands are great and everything but they will never understand PMS no matter how much they profess to. So here's to my beautiful girlfriends. Thank you so much for loving me!!

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