Saturday, February 19, 2011

One week from today I will be at EPCOT. I'm so excited!
A few struggles in the last few days though.
Both of my lower legs are hurting. I have no idea why. I haven't done anything different. I took my rest days this week because I didn't want to risk injury. I don't usually take rest days, except on Mondays after my long run. So, I'm supposed to do my last long run tomorrow and I don't know if I will be able to or if I should, My worst fear right now is that I will get injured and not be able to do the race. (though sometimes I secretly wish I wasn't doing the race) :) But if I don't do the long run, how will I know if I am ready? I don't know what to do. I have asked for advice from experienced runners and am waiting with baited breath to hear what they have to say.

I also did a very dumb thing yesterday. Rick asked me to go walking with him after dinner last night. I want to encourage him to have activity so I was happy to go. Only problem was that I was in flip flops and now I have blisters. Stupid. So I have to hope they will heal up in the next week.

I am so afraid of something going wrong! Poor Sienna is sick and needs me to go up there and get her some food but I just can't. I can't get sick right now. I know, I'm a bad mom. But I just feel like I have to be selfish now.

I started getting stuff ready to pack today!

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